5 Must Know Worship Positions

worship position chart

I have always been fascinated by people different body movements during worship; primarily because I really an not much of a mover. Here are 5 of my favorites.

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3 Things In Church Services that Terrify Normal People

Indian Pentecostals?

If I asked you why some people visit your church and never return you might have some pretty sound reasons why that is. Some of those reasons might even be very deep theologically. You could say, “they just did’t like the style.” Or “they were too Calvinist.” Or even this gem; “they must need a more seeker friendly church.”

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You Might Be A Youth Pastor If……

There are a lot of jokes floating around the inter-web about youth pastors. That fact is, youth pastors are a special breed of human beings…..if in fact they really are human beings. In case you are wondering if you are a true youth pastor or if God is calling you to be a youth pastor; please consider the following…..

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Stewardship and Tithing


What are your thoughts? Is tithing a NT mandate? Is it necessary to give 10% to the church? Is it just an OT issue? Does the church really need our money? Before we get into the nitty gritty, here some videos about tithing that should make you laugh.

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Biblical Languages (Greek and Hebrew) VS English


One of the topics that seems to have disappeared from seminary conversations is the need to study the original languages. This is more true of pastors than those training for PhD programs.Here is one of the many passages that seems to get translated from Greek to English with some level of difficulty. Take a look! … Read more

Role Play: Biblical Gender Roles

adam and eve2

One of the questions that remains in debate is the issue of the roles of men and women, or possibly lack of roles. How can one understand God’s design and purpose for humankind?

When God assigned tasks in Genesis 3 were they defined roles or consequences of the fall?

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