What Is The Unforgivable Sin?

What is the unforgivable sin

This entry is specifically looking at the unforgivable sin mentioned in the Bible, Mark 3:28-29, Matt 12:31, and Luke 12:10. For a full exegesis on this entire passage of Mark please read this [Exegesis of Mark 3:20-35].   Mark 3:28-29 Then Jesus entered a house, and again a crowd gathered, so that he and his disciples were not even … Read more

3 Things In Church Services that Terrify Normal People

Indian Pentecostals?

If I asked you why some people visit your church and never return you might have some pretty sound reasons why that is. Some of those reasons might even be very deep theologically. You could say, “they just did’t like the style.” Or “they were too Calvinist.” Or even this gem; “they must need a more seeker friendly church.”

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