No, King David Never Danced Naked Before The Lord

King David Dancing

It shouldn’t be surprising that preachers tend to sensationalize certain Bible verses. But sometimes they go just a bit too far. The perfect example is that millions of people still believe that King David danced naked, or in his under-roos, when they brought the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem. TLDR Video Summary I’ve ran … Read more

Jerks Of The Bible Series | Entry #1: Absalom

Absalom the Awesome

We often associate the Biblical characters with vast amounts of piety and holiness. We think of guys like Moses who parted the Red Sea (or possibly Sea of Reeds). And what about Joshua the brave? He courageously entered the promised land, leading the Israelites into a victorious battle for the land flowing with milk and honey. These are fun people to explore. But this is dedicated to the other fun sub-set of Bible characters; The Jerks!

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3 Things In Church Services that Terrify Normal People

Indian Pentecostals?

If I asked you why some people visit your church and never return you might have some pretty sound reasons why that is. Some of those reasons might even be very deep theologically. You could say, “they just did’t like the style.” Or “they were too Calvinist.” Or even this gem; “they must need a more seeker friendly church.”

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