15 Christian Leaders That Make More Money Getting Out Of Bed Than You’ll Make All Year

This list will have some well known scoundrels and some not-so well known scoundrels. Before I get into the nitty gritty of things I want to post a link to the 2007 senate investigation into several of these pastors. The documents and full findings can be seen and downloaded HERE.

Some of the profiles below will be more filled out than others. This is because I could only fill in what I could find evidence for. If more information exists please leave it for me in the comments so I can make corrections.


John-Hagee perachingHonorable Mention: John Hagee

NET WORTH – $5,000,000 +

John Hagee really is the poor man of this group, with a net worth of only 5 Million dollars. He is practically the pauper of the televangelist world. In fact, he is so poor I almost didn’t include him. Why is John so poor among these giants of theology?

I believe that John is the poor televangelist because made the horrible mistake of going to school and learning that the prosperity gospel isn’t the john hagee home 8 Sherborne Lanemain point of Jesus’ message. Even though he only has a partial degree from Southwestern Assemblies of God University, he is still the ONLY educated person on this list. If he knew what was good for him he would have dropped out like the brilliant theologians listed here.

What does John do when he’s not rubbing his two pennies together? He goes house shopping!

For being the poorest pastor on this list he has a rather expensive home, which I am sure is listed as a tax free parsonage. The Hagee residence at 8 Sherborne Lane can be viewed on google maps and almost any home sale website.


Eddie-Long15. Eddie Long

NET WORTH – $5,000,000 – $15,000,000 +

According to The Richest Eddie Long has a net worth of about 5 Million dollars. This might not sound impressive but hold on to your bottoms. This estimate is after he’s been divorced twice, investigated for domestic abuse, investigated for tax fraud, sued over a ponzi scheme, and investigated for multiple accounts of sexual crimes involving young boys. I don’t know how much it costs to lawyer-up for all of that, but I know it costs a lot more than 5 Million dollars to make all that disappear. What I was able to find was only the settlement for the damages done by the ponzi scheme which was settled out of court for an easy 1 Million dollars (not including lawyer costs).

Despite looking like he’s only 35, Eddie Long is 62 years old and has in ministry a very very long time. Combine that with being a black pastor in Georgia and some good book sales driven by a 25,000 member church and you have yourself a lot of cash flow.


randy-and-paula-white14. Randy & Paula White

NET WORTH – $10,000,000 – ?

I am not sure what is worse: the fact that one of the richest preaching couples have gotten a divorce and still get to keep the ministry or that Randy has the balls to call himself a Bishop….. A BISHOP!!! At first I thought this was a mistake, but his Facebook page verifies it. “Pastor, Bishop. Founder of Kristen Renee Foundation.

According to The Richest, Paula alone is worth over 5 Million dollars. It is hard to tell what the combined net worth was before they had their recent divorce but The Tampa Tribune reports that the church was bringing on over 55 Million dollars each year. After the divorce many of the assets got liquidated. Their home in Bayshore was purchased to 1.06 Million in 2007. When they sold it in 2010 it listed for over 2 Million. So even in the middle of ruin they are making money!


ed young13. Ed Young

NET WORTH – $11,000,000 – ?

According to a Dallas News station Ed Young enjoys all the standard assets of the wealth. He owns his own 8.5 Million dollar private jet, a 1.5 Million dollar home, a 1 Million dollar condo, a 1 Million dollar salary, and a $240,000 housing allowance. Ed young is so rich that his TAX FREE housing allowance is quadruple most people’s annual salary.

Ed Young also has a Million dollar wife and he keeps preaching sermons on to let people know that he has a ton of sex with. The best money can buy!


Joyce Meyer12. Joyce Meyer

NET WORTH – $25,000,000 – ?

According the The Richest website, Joyce has a net worth of over 25 Million dollars. Imagine for a second that the average American made about 50k each year. They would have to work for 500 years to make what Joyce Meyer makes in just one year.

Joyce Meyer makes so much money that some of her furniture costs more than most people’s new cars. In a congressional report done on some of the televangelists, it was found that Joyce had a $23,000 camode and a $30,000 coffee table and Joyce Meyer expensive furnituremuch more. A partial list can be obtained HERE which has initial findings from the Jefferson County real estate assessor’s office. A snippet of the letter shown here in this post shows that these items have already been assessed and a value assigned.

In addition to extravagant furniture, Joyce Meyer also has a mansion that would be fit for a whole continent of Kings. Not only that but her property contains other house including a pool house that would dwarf most people’s real home. The best part is that since they are listed as “parsonages” they are under the tax-exempt umbrella. Isn’t to great to do God’s work?


Benny Hinn11. Benny Hinn

NET WORTH – $45,000,000 +

Benny is known for blowing people and hitting them with his coat. What people don’t always know is that he’s made millions pushing people over. Not just a few millions but about 45 Million and growing.

According to The Richest Benny has a 4.5 Million dollar private jet and an $80,000 SUV, and $80,000 sports car, a $265,000 BMW, a 1 Million dollar annual salary, and a 10 Million dollar mansion. This man knows how to live in luxury!


Pastors Chris Oyakhilome10. Chris Oyakhilome

NET WORTH – $50,000,000 +

This preacher was at the center of a $35 million money laundering case in which he was accused of siphoning funds from his church to foreign banks. But do not fear, he has also amassed millions from the hard working poor of Nigeria.

Like #2 on this list, Chris was able to take the money he received from the church, reinvest it in secular businesses, and become even richer! Among his business are newspapers, magazines, a local television station, a record label, satellite TV, hotels and extensive real estate. (Reported by Forbes)


Joel Osteen

9. Joel Osteen

NET WORTH – $55,000,000 +

Newsmax lists Joel’s net worth between 40 and 55 Million dollars depending on how book sales are included. It pains me that he is on this list because he no longer takes a salary from his church but when he was receiving a salary form the church it was a humble $200,000.

His current house in River Oak is less than humble at 10.5 Million dollars. His previous property which he still owns is valued at 4 Million dollars. Of all of the uber-wealthy televangelists Joel might be the most palatable. Even though he practices the prosperity gospel principles, he does not make that the core of his message and he no longer takes a salary from his church…… even though I assume he is receiving other favors from the church in the form of tax relief and housing allowances. I know that he was investigated on the housing allowance but I do not know the details.


TD Jakes8. TD Jakes

NET WORTH – $18,000,000 – $150,000,000 +

TD really brings in some cash. According to the Atlanta Black Star, Jakes is worth more than 18 Million dollars. That is over 200 times the average wage for the community in Texas that attend his church.

Just like Joyce, TD rakes in a lot of money from books sales and speaking arrangements. What does someone like Jakes charge for a speaking gig?TD jakes mansion

According to PreacherPimp.com TD charges a minimum of $122,000 to show up and preach a sermon at your place. Maybe I am wrong, but once you’re a millionaire 18 times it seems like you can probably afford to do some preaching without charging the equivalence of a regular person’s wages for 2 full years.

A report on wealth pastors made by Nehanda Radio reported that Jakes had a total net worth of over 150 Million, but no list of assets can be found other than his 2 Million dollar home. Whether it’s 18 Million or 150 Million, this man is swimming like Scrooge McDuck in money.


pastor-robert-tilton7. Robert Tilton

NET WORTH – $100,000,000 +

Robert Tilton might be the undisputed king of the late night healing programs. It is next to impossible to know exactly what his net worth total is because he’s been in the business so long. But it’s been reported that during the peak of his career he was making 80 Million dollars each year. I am not talking about a grand total, I am talking about a yearly income.

If I had to guess I would say he still owns hundreds of millions of dollars, but without a financial disclosure or an IRS report it is hard to tell.


Paul-Jan-Crouch6. Paul & Jan Crouch

NET WORTH – $100,000,000 +

If you are at all familiar with the TBN preacher you will have seen this couple here and there. Together with the crooks Tammy and Jim Bakker, they co-founded the TBN. So all these wealth televangelists on this list have these guys to thank. They basically invented the QVC of preaching.

It is also difficult to know just how much wealth was amassed by these two but what we do know is that they have 13 different mansions, a $100,000 RV, a 50 Million dollar private jet, about half a million each year in ministry related expenses. All in all, one would have to assume that hundreds of millions of dollars in assets are sitting in their names and now their kid’s names.


Peter Popoff5. Peter Popoff

NET WORTH – $100,000,000 +

The good and honorable reverend, Peter Popoff, is another late night info-mercial evangelist. His gimmick is usually giving away free items like Miracle Spring Water or Miracle Manna which will magically make all your dreams come true. He will send this free gift to you for no charge…….and then will follow it up with 100 letters and petitions for money or else the thing he just shipped you wont work.

In estimating Peter’s net worth one has to take into account that he is in round #2 of this whole stealing your money peter-popoffs-housebusiness. In the first round he was knocked down hard and almost KOed due to racking up huge debts with over 800 creditors. It was reported that before filing for bankruptcy in 1987 he was making over 4 Million dollars each year.

He made a comeback in in the late nineties and by 2005 he was making around 23 Million dollars a year. His mansion on 430 Long Canyon Road, in Bradbury California, is listed as a $41,000 tax liability. That means that Peter and his wife Elizabeth pay more in property taxes than most people will make all year. The house on Zillow is listed as a 10 Million dollar home.


creflo-dollar4. Creflo Dollar

NET WORTH – $100,000,000 +

Creflo Dollar is reported by The Richest as having a meager net worth of about 27 Million dollars. This is calculated mostly based on assets in his name. Two of these assets are homes. Creflo has one home in Atlanta, worth a humble 1 Million dollars. His other home in New Jersey is worth over 2 Million dollars. The really sad part about all this is that he actually stole money from the church in order to buy the house. He was arrested and still owns both homes. That is impressive.Creflo dollar house arial

The revenue from his church is simply staggering. In 2006 his church reported taking in over 69 Million dollars. How much of that money that goes to fund Creflo’s life style is uncertain. What is certain is that he already owns one private jet and recently got in hot water for pressuring his congregation for more money so he can buy an even better jet!! The shocking part of this whole thing is that he’s actually getting the 70 Million dollar jet even though the mass media ravaged him over the ordeal. Why is he getting it? He says its “necessary for the ministry.” I’m sure it is Creflo. Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night.



Bishop David Oyedepo 3. Bishop David Oyedepo

NET WORTH – $150,000,000 +

David Oyedepo is listed by Forbes as having a net worth of over 150 Million dollars. At this level of wealth the first couple pastors on this list appear to be mere novices in the business. In addition to having a higher net worth than the country he lives in (Nigeria, and not that’s not really true) he also has 2 mansions and 4 private jets. This pastor is so wealthy that he has his own fleet of jets.

One might ask how a pastor in one of the poorest countries on earth has a net worth of over 150 Million dollars, and that is a fair questions. The reason this is true is because the poorest people one earth are also the ones with the least education and the most likely to give money to religious people promising them riches in return. How else did he obtain such wealth? He invested some if it to start his own publishing company. Because what’s better than publishing a ton of book? Answer: Publishing them and also printing them yourself at a high margin.


Edir Macedo2. Edir Macedo

NET WORTH – $1,100,000,000 +

Edir is right on level with the richest pastors in the world (below) or even surpasses him. With an estimated net worth of 1.1 Billion dollars, he is easily the #2 or #1 richest pastors to ever walk the earth.

How did he acquire such wealth? Some would say (me) that he is taking money from poor people and laughing all the way to the bank. The only problem with this statement is that he IS the bank. Edir is so wealthy that he actually owns his own bank.


Kenneth copeland1. Kenneth Copeland

NET WORTH – $1,200,000,000 +

Kenneth Copeland is the Donald Trump of televangelism. From his own mouth, he has claimed to have over a BILLION dollars. According to his own words God told him he needed to be a billionaire.

Ken also owns TWO of his own private jets, a Cessna 550 Citation Bravo and Cessna 750 Citation X. Because one just isn’t enough to fly him to parts unknown. His first jet was known as the “preaching machine.” I can only imagine what the second jet was called.Kenneth copeland house

Kenneth Copeland was also investigated by the Senate in 2007, along side Joyce Meyer, Benny Hinn and others.
In the letter from Senator Grassley it was reported that his private jet had made several layovers in Maui, Fiji, and Honolulu, which were all claimed to be ministry trips and therefore qualified the jet to remain tax exempt. Also tax exempt is their huge mansion, valued at just over 6 Million dollars and includes its own landing strip.

The letter also details that the church alone has over 20 Million dollars in assets yet it takes huge loans from the Copelands, only to be paid back shortly after with high interest rates. That doesn’t seem fishy at all.




Did I miss anyone? Let me know! Comments are welcome below!


187 thoughts on “15 Christian Leaders That Make More Money Getting Out Of Bed Than You’ll Make All Year”

  1. Wow, seems to me they are all crooks, I believe our walk with the Lord would be more rewarding if we get into the word of God, keep our eyes on Jesus not man!!!
    lm done with preachers

  2. Well, you always hear about Christian leaders, how much money they make, and how corrupted they are. I have to say, at least they are honest, and let everyone knows how much money they make. Try to find out how much money the Roman Catholic Church, and their highly ordained Pope, and Priests make? As well as the top Muslim leaders. Good luck on that, you will never find out. Maybe you will die trying.

    • While I am sure it varies from country to country, the Catholic church does make their pay scales public. The average priest makes about 25K and the average Bishop makes about 35K. I think the real mystery is how much church funds are used to buy things for the clergy which goes undocumented. This also happens with televangelists too.

  3. David Cerullo is someone you should check out. He’s always asking people for $1000 ‘seed money’ from what you’ve saved, whether it be a family vacation, a new car, down payment on a home, etc. He says if you don’t give it, you won’t get it back!

    • Yea you’re right. We really need to make a new list that is not limited to 15 people. I think we’re overdue actually.

  4. Now it’s our turn! Through the holy Spirit that is upon me, I have built the true prophecy. 1335 pages of scripture and photographed visions that bring to Light the lies of false teachers. It’s complete and worth looking into my friend. You can find it in the albums on my FB page. Troy Woolery. I,m sure you will find what you are looking for there. God Bless

  5. what about Dr. Charles Stanley, he says God told him from the start of his ministry that he will never ask for money, he comes across as legitimate, any info or conflicting data on him?

  6. What is wrong with prosperity gospel? Who are we to judge pastors who encourage people not to give up? Does God want us to live poor, unhealthy and disheartened according to your knowledge and wisdom? God ways are not our ways.

    • God doesn’t promise you wealth for being a Christian. These pastors are scam artists with no biblical education. The only honest televangelist appears to be Benny Hinn who’s renounced the prosperity gospel he used to preach. If all they did was encourage people to not give up then I wouldn’t care. These “pastors” encourage people to give them all their money and promise them wealth in return.

      They setup elaborate mailing scams and claim they are praying for millions of people’s needs but the letters get sent directly to the bank where the money is cashed and the letters are shredded and placed in bin.

    • Try explaining that to the families of those who “give” b4 housing,feeding, clothing their families. “God will provide” is a common statement. God DID provide! You have a job and a brain. You are to love and care for your wife as YOU would be treated. The children are next after her/him! Give to the local church you attend, and if u can’t, u should NOT be bullied by anyone from that church! My husband/pastor (married 46 yrs. Pastor of one church almost 33 yrs) is also called on by our local funeral home to do services. Why? Catholic priests won’t officiate unless u r current w your giving and/or attendance isn’t current. How sad is that! God has used my hubs to minister to families sometimes 3-4 x over bc they know people will be given a message from God’s word to give them peace and hope. No matter what religion, he speaks with his Bible open. He’s done Buddhist, JWitness, Catholic, Assembly of God, any religion u can name. If they don’t want the Bible used, he doesn’t do it. His 10-12 minute message isn’t to brow-beat souls into heaven as many pastors do.
      Our 1960 ranch style home cost $59k in 1993 and our church paid it off in less than 10 yrs. Our church is debt free and was built in the late 1950’s. We have monthly bills as anyone does, we give to overseas missionaries that we KNOW and hear from. We r a tiny percentage of minister families who live like this and take the ministry seriously. The “pastors” mentioned here give all other pastors a bad taste in the minds of so many. How very sad.

  7. I’m from Brazil and I can say that Edir Macedo really make his money out of the poor and desperate. He just built the Solomon temple is São Paulo with stones from Israel. It’s just crazy, meanwhile people in Brazil in poverty and hunger.

  8. I have one thing to say, We were saved through Benny Hinn ministries, attended his crusades, He does not push people over, I fell under the power many times, without anyone pushing me over. The other thing I want to say is, who are we to judge, these ministers of the gospel. Do we know their personal lives, what they give, or earn legitimately? If the list you gave sir, of all the preachers are serving God and ordained of Him, then I would suggest the fear of God to fall upon you, What thousands have experienced and healings that took place, my husband one of them, cannot be negated by people slashing and cutting them down. Its a dangerous road to be on to speak so openly hateful of your Christian brothers and sisters. Just a thought,,,,don’t lead the multitude to despise them, but to pray because we must work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. I have no idea how much money is needed to run ministries of that calabre but whatever it is, lets pray for them. Blessings to you. Please do not judge lest you be judged. Amen

    • Most of these televangelists are fake. I think Benny is one of the few who actually believes the bologna he teaches. Nevertheless, he’s robbing the poorest people in the world so he can drive a dozen different luxury cars and live in multiple mansions.

      If these goons didn’t squander the church’s money in such large masses, nobody to care about their terrible theology. But that’s not the case. These people are robbing God’s people in epic proportions.

      You don’t need to go to Benny Hinn and give him your money to get healed.

    • Watch the YT videos of his nephew Costi Hinn if u want an answer of what really goes on w Binny. He was an embarrassment to his father bc of his feminine traits.
      We r not judging though I don’t mind if folks DO judge me! Folks love to use that verse but not the verses in the entire chapter(s) surrounding it.

  9. HOW ABOUT CHECKING OUT Claud Bowers of the Central Florida area. He and his family own several evangelical, not for profit, TV stations and radio stations. He calls himself a Christian businessman and not a preacher but is ripping off millions of poor folks. He is building a Miracle Tower in Maitland, FL. His home station is Channel 55 on the old non cable channels. He covers the central Florida area and has stations in the Tampa/ST. PETE area. I can get more information on his addresses if you don’t find him. He calls his primary station Super Channel 55.

  10. False religion of Catholicism? What about Protestantism? And why do you condemn something that you mever understood to begim with? I’m not going to ask a bank teller why my car engine is making clickety clackety noises…..

  11. Mormons don’t “dupe” for their money though, they’re just cheap or good with secular business!
    They’re a problem alright, but not in the “preaching” world. It’s hard to combat a family run and owned construction company when half their employees aren’t paid! Their giant families directly translate into free labour.
    No matter your corner cutting, a Mormon can always undercut your bid thanks to their bus load of kids!
    There’s also nothing against usury for them, so be prepared to see a bunch in high finance.
    Also: their land ownership is partially our fault. We kicked them out of communities in the early 1800s, and as a result they were some of the first wagon trains heading out west. So really, they had a head start, and lots of open unclaimed valleys ripe for pickings.

  12. If we are to follow scripture then we should not be receiving any pay for giving what Jesus gave to us for free i e the the gospel. Anytime that God blesses us financially it is so that we can turn around and bless others financially by feeding the poor taking care of widows Etc. I think it ironic that Jesus stated repeatedly that it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle than a rich man to enter Heaven, funny how we want to take some of what Christ says literally and others is just symbolical or figurative. By the way has anybody tried to fit a camel through the eye of a needle?

    • Or do only Barnabas and I not have a right to refrain from working? Who at any time serves as a soldier at his own expense? Who plants a vineyard and does not eat the fruit of it? Or who tends a flock and does not use the milk of the flock? I am not speaking these things according to human judgment, am I? Or does not the Law also say these things? For it is written in the Law of Moses, “You shall not muzzle the ox while he is threshing.” God is not concerned about oxen, is He? Or is He speaking altogether for our sake? Yes, for our sake it was written, because the plowman ought to plow in hope, and the thresher to thresh in hope of sharing the crops. If we sowed spiritual things in you, is it too much if we reap material things from you? If others share the right over you, do we not more? Nevertheless, we did not use this right, but we endure all things so that we will cause no hindrance to the gospel of Christ. Do you not know that those who perform sacred services eat the food of the temple, and those who attend regularly to the altar have their share from the altar? So also the Lord directed those who proclaim the gospel to get their living from the gospel.
      — 1 Corinthians 9:6-14

      Obviously the prosperity preachers are defrauding the poor and abusing their “flock” as much as Rome did in the Middle Ages. These men and women are thieves and liars who will stand condemned on the final day.

      But ministers of the Gospel can still make their living off of preaching.

  13. Mr. Joel Osteen is no more than a motivational speaker, and nothing more. You will never hear him preaching the true gospel, repentance,baptism, Holy Spirit.His focus is on what the people want to hear, he is a fake in no uncertain terms, and should be exposed as such. Maybe we should not blame him, but his naive followers!

    • I assume you’re referring to DR. Ed Young who is older and much less handsome. Just go Google Ed Young and you’ll find the guy I’m talking about.

  14. Well, so much to say. I am employed by the Catholic Church as a music director/organist – have been for over 30 years. I am critical of the church though it is and has been good to me in many ways. Church ministries and just plain church in general is a colossal enigma. What other institution can people financially support and yet have little to no say in the workings of it? Even more unanswerable, what kind of people is flocking to hear these spiritual messages of mega-millionaires? Please!!!! Give me five bucks I’ll be happy to tell you anything you want to hear! What am I missing? Are people just stupid?

    Your posts are informative and disheartening at the same time. Thank you for taking the time to expose these so-called people of God for who they really are. One has to wonder how much Jesus got paid for speaking with a crowd. Although I surely would have given him a few bucks for changing the water into wine.

    • It’s certainly troubling that so many are willing to follow these snake oil salesmen. You’d think that common sense would tell you that these guys are fake.

  15. The problem with Joel Osteen isn’t the money and what he does with it, it’s the fact that he’s “preaching” a doctrine of demons. He’s offering the same things that Satan offered Jesus: Health, wealth, etc. His following is huge because he offers everything the carnal heart desires. Jesus is just a footnote to satisfy his critics. If you were born again with Osteen’s theology, you’re going to Hell. There’s nothing scriptural about his teachings.

    • While I tend to mostly agree that Joel peaches a fluffy and self serving Gospel….. I would judge those who found the Lord at his church. God can change a man’s heart no matter how bad the messenger is. The church I got saved in had absolutely terrible theology. I think God can work with anyone who’s willing, bad theology aside.

  16. I have watched many sermons by Pastor Robert Morris and he has mentioned that scripture when he talked about tithing, just maybe not in the Blessed Life Series. You can’t mention every verse that pertains to the lesson in every sermon. There isn’t enough time or otherwise attendees would be at church for hours. He ALWAYS teaches from the Bible, he doesn’t talk about other pastors/preachers, and he models Jesus. This list compiled pastors who make enormous wealth. But, again as others have said, its not against God to make money, its how the money is taken from church funds and used. Just because a pastor uses TV to reach people does not mean that he is a bad pastor/preacher. TV is a medium to reach people who don’t attend church. We have to be careful what we say about other, for God is the only Judge and no unwholesomeness should come out of our mouths. Only words to encourage and uplift, as the Bible says. God bless you all.

  17. Better investigate Mike Murdock. He wants everyone to plant their $1000 seed money and it will multiply and they will get wealthy. Of course they must “plant” it with his “ministry”. He has a fabulously elaborate home. He says if you keep your money God won’t bless you. Mike Murdock is disgusting.

  18. You’re so right ! I stopped watching Joel when he refused to offer sanctuary to flooding victims in Houston after the Hurricane ! That showed me exactly what type of a Christian he was NOT ! He’s a fake and a phony !

  19. He didn’t offer shelter a few years ago with flooding…
    These people should pay taxes too, they live high on the greedy hog

  20. Pastor Osteen was my pastor when I lived in Houston. The Lord used him in awesome ways and I was born again at Lakewood Church. I left the false religion of Catholicism and have live a very blessed and prosperous life ever since. I find offense that Pastor Osteen is on this list. He and his family have financially helped the Houston area beyond comprehension. I owned a home in River Oaks also, does that make me a bad Christian? No, it’s called smart investing. Just because he is a preacher does not mean that he is supposed to live as a pauper. He lives here on this earth and if The Lord gave him a mind to be able to prosper then he should use it. I am not saying to steal from the church but I am saying that you have to look at the entire equation. Pastor Osteen makes a ton of money from his book sales and many other personal business ventures. And it takes a ton of money to run a super Church such as theirs, and also to run a nationwide ministry as they do.

    Its easy to point the finger, I have it done to me all the time with my business, but people really need to consider all of the expenses that go into a ministry such as their. If they were simply stealing money for their own prosperity, the ministry would not be able to financially succeed and that clearly is not the case.

    I completely agree with preachers should not steal money from the church but I do not agree that good preachers should be poor. Jesus does not want His people to be poor but abundant and rich. I agree it’s a fine line when we are sitting back watching what seems like preachers taking advantage of the church but like I said, there a lot that doesn’t get considered.

    I give and tithe where The Lord directs me and in my obedience, I have been extremely blessed. This blessing came from us moving where the Lord directed us to and using Godly wisdom.

    That’s just a tiny input of what’s in my heart on the subject. God bless!

    • I have no problem with Christians having money. It’s how they get it and how they use it. The televangelists have proven to spend endlessly on waste and excess. If Joel decided to no longer take a salary from the church like other pastor authors (such as Rick Warren) then I wouldn’t mind. Though, the property Gospel is still an abomination.

  21. Do not forget that only a few people will be saved by Christ and the rest are going to the lake of fire. So if a few is chosen that means only a few Churches are going to be talking about Christ not prosperity gospel. So all the bible talks about Christ. The Holy Spirit (not ghost) was sent to reveal Christ not prosperity.

  22. The tithe is a con. Jesus told Peter “the sons are exempt”, Paul says if you grudge it dont give it.. It is always Malachi 3 – if you dont tithe you are robbing God.. This was law for Israel. If you want to keep the Law you must keep all of it and the first thing you must do is circumcision. If someone is insisting on tithing ask him if he is circumcised
    Nowhere in the Bible does God demand money – it was always a tenth of your increase, which is to say stock and other produce – the only time He mentions money is for circumstances where the place where He had put His name was too far away, in which case you were allowed to sell the produce, wrap up the money in your hand and go to the holy place. Then you were to spend it on meat, wine and strong drink!! Imagine what your pastor would say if you told him you were going to spend your tithe on beefburgers and beer and hold a barbeque AT THE CHURCH.
    God loves a cheerful giver. Work out what you can afford,10% is a good rule of thumb,but He doesn’t want it if it means you are in debt or cant pay your bills. And if you are wealthy, dont take refuge in the fake tithe to think 10% is all you are obliged to pay. Bless others in His name as He has blessed you and rejoice in the generosity of your God.

    • I think this is great advice. Even Jesus baulked at the Temple tax, as you mentioned. However, I am not sure if he was making a statement about tithes or a statement about the future place of the Temple!

  23. I would like to ask you a question, you may or not know the answer. Why is it that churches always ask for tithes, and yes I do tithe. they need the money for people , books, and food. but if I were to ask for money for my needs, they would refuse me and tell me to go to a food bank, and they can’t give money to everyone. And some preaches have millions and live in mansions and they really do look down on people who are in need. they usually send you to someone else to talk too. Do you know the answer? My pastor in california even came to my house one day to get my tithes before he went out of town once. But I see that if I asked for anything I would be turned down. Ive lived in many towns and attended many churches, I love church always have but I just don’t understand.
    Please answer on my email: welchmary1616@aol.com. Sincerely, Mary
    Now am I wrong for asking this question?

    • Mary, you are not wrong for asking. In fact it sounds like you’ve been taken advantage of. I will be emailing you a detailed message in just a bit. If you’re still attending the church with the pastor that stopped by your house for money then I suggest leaving immediately

  24. The New Testament way is Grace Giving. We are not under the Law as written, but we have the Law written in our hearts which is even greater! We do not give out of obligation or persuasion, but out of the Love for Jesus Christ for what He has already done on the Cross for all who believe. Tithing is an Old Testament teaching that applied to Jews; however being truly born again, we want to give not just a “tenth” which is the tithe, but even more. Tithing is not a requirement for salvation as is no other deed of the flesh; salvation is solely by fatith in Jesus Christ; good works flow from my heart of Thanksgiving for what He has already accomplished on the Cross; that’s the reason Jesus cried out “It is Finished! Praise God for His marvelous Grace and Mercy! Romans 3:20, 2 Cor. 9:7

  25. Hi Dean, We in South Africa experience the same naivety,who knows exactly how to live a christian life in it’s fullest,yet we religiously have to be constantly reminded by these fake preachers?? (motivational speakers) of how to do it! The Bible is very clear on this, “they will come in the form of an angle in the light to deceive” My take on the matter, charity starts at home! enough to do good in your immediate surroundings! Give me that old time religion that says,repent,and be converted,but i am afraid it is long gone! The Bible is also clear on this ‘In the last days,people, will gather for
    them, a multitude of “preachers” just to be soothed in the hearing!!! Regards Andre

  26. I am so thankful for the apostle Paul, he labored for the Church preaching the word while taking nothing from no one and, was in jail much of the time. If we believers were as willing as he was for the gospel, we in America would have true revival. These others are blind leading the blind

  27. No it isn’t going away, but to state USA is particularly religious avoids the question that they are also particularly gullible. The fact they have managed to export that notion world wide says more about business acumen than anything remotely concerned with ethics, morality, and what the original preached.

  28. Something about the American psyche fosters guilible fools. It goes back to the Civil War when preachers had a strangle hold on American families. I disagree that these people “preach the word of God.” They are not even false prophets, just brazen con men and women protected by a hapless IRS.

  29. The Mormons do not believe JESUS is GOD and our Savior. They put Joseph Smith’s teachings above the Bible. Yes the Mormons are one of the largest land owners in the USA under the company called Deseret. Look this all up for yourself.

    • …. Why are you talking about mormons. This post is not about them. If you’re replying to a specific comment then you did it wrong.

  30. Dont have to curse , bless him, that desp[tefully use you..I want to prosper even as my soul prosper in Yeshua, Christ Hamashiach name.

  31. Whats that about “rich man to heaven and threading a camel tgrough the eye of a needle” ? Pat Robertson 1 billion, Billy Graham 25 million, a mansion on a mountain top in NC, I was shocked because I liked him., His son makes $800,000 as CEO of Shepherds Purse, I check the salary of CEOs of organizations before I donate. So now its hard to find one thats giving 90% to the cause.

  32. I’m not big on tithing. I favor generous giving. As you know, tithing (as developed in the Hebrew Bible, was never money (even though Israel developed a variety of coins). Tithing was always from the fruit of the land, and originally was for the poor, wayfarer, etc. Later it became for the priesthood. If one lived too far away from the Temple in Jerusalem, they sold their goods for money, and then used the money to purchase goods to offer on site. That way the goods would not spoil on the journey. We give to our fellowship, but I wonder how it would go over if we all gave a bag of groceries. Just kidding, sort of.

    • I’m in a similar camp. Tithing is important to support the ministry. However, people shouldn’t feel bad if they can’t give as much as others.

  33. All of this stuff seems peculiarly common in the USA? Why? Are you guys in the US just plain gullible? Here in the UK we see right through this nonsense…it is surely in plain view yet STILL you give more dollars to people who preach the word of God to enable them t o live like Kings while the givers live like paupers.

    • The USA is particularly religious. As such, we attract those willing to take advantage of it. But it’s not just us. Africa is filled with this stuff, as well and South West Asian countries. It’s a plague that’s not going away anytime soon.

  34. I was caught up in this so called “prosperity Gospel” for forty years. For 40 years I supported these preachers all the while being told that if I give to God, God will give to me. The only thing was, didn’t realize this til years later, that they were implying that they were the avenue to give to God. Well many years had gone by, still believing in this prosperity stuff, and I have yet to see any of my so called seed faith harvest. I’m 70 years old now still working because I never thought it necessary to invest in my future because after all I was being told that my ship was coming in. After many years of waiting I came to realize that no ship was ever built to ever come in. So my advice to anybody that may be listening to these so called preachers is don’t waste your time. These preachers don’t live by their on preaching, we are told if we want something to give money in that direction………to them! If they need another multi-million dollar airplane then they work toward that you know like we do. They talk about your dreams and desires are found in your giving, theirs are found in collecting your giving, our dreams and desires are paid for by you and me.

    • I’m sorry to hear your story Bob. Sadly, many thousands just like you are out there, still getting conned. It needs to stop.

  35. These so called preachers imply that they are the only ones preaching the Gospel and that need a multi million biz jet to that. They fly to all these meetings to preach to the choir with no cross to bear. Listening to these preachers imply that the only reason Jesus died on the cross ws for our material well being, and of course their lives preach just that.

  36. These so called preachers refer to money as seed, ok lets look at that. Using that analogy and using a seed from the Bible such as wheat or corn which takes about 10 days to two weeks to break ground after planting. I have heard some of these so called preachers say that our “money seed” may take anywhere from 5 to 20 years to break ground,REALLY! What farmer would plant wheat or corn or any seed for that matter and wait 5-20 years to get a crop? These so called preachers get immediate gratification in donations and in turn your told to wait 5-20 years for you harvest, REALLY!

  37. I recently attended a Morris Cerullo meeting. 90% of the service was spent asking each person present to donate $700 or more for his Regency Center in San Diego, CA. In return, each person would receive the blessing of Abraham. What ever happened to the laying on of hands and praying for the sick? Afterall, everyone loves personal ministry and it was being advertised as an impartation and miracle service…
    Seems some ministries ask people to sow sacrificial amounts of money that they don’t have or make and are near-sighted when it comes to praying for them. They want our financial support but don’t want to minister to God’s people…

  38. A lot of strange things took place in the Old Testament times, stories that sometimes baffles the mind. I would rather concentrate on the teachings of Jesus

  39. So sad, it give’s Christianity a bad name. I certainly don’t think Jesus is going to appreciate these well fed shephards fleecing his sheep ! They will be judged more strictly as the bible tells us.

  40. Please investigate as to how much is spent on Joel Olsteen’s make-up artists to get him ready for his next show?

  41. My name is Andre Ackerman, i am from Cape Town, South Africa. I am a backslider,but i know the truth, i am not at all impressed by these TV preachers, they are all motivational speakers, telling you things you already know, or should know.My spirit goes into a crunch every time i listen to them, because i know that their teachings may be the truth, but the agenda behind it deepens me sadly.The Bible, in no uncertain terms directs you on how to live your life, you do not need other people to tell you that.You either belief, or you do not,and face the consequence what you have chosen, simple philosophy!

  42. Matthew 7:22-23 King James Version (KJV)

    22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

    23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

  43. Hey get very real, you prosper, christians and ministering is increasing, your soul is prospers,even in god health, you must have right motives, stop hating, being jealous, of when Yeshua, the lord Jesus children have wealth!! ……..

  44. Yeah, when your soul prosper, yeah you prosper, my Father , savior, He created earth and heaven, Favor of God, from the foundation of the world. stand up for whole truth, Mrs. Patricia talking and typing here.

  45. Hey, get true, The Lord money is to further his business, his kingdom come, not to satan and half people stripping , and singing evil words, you stop hating , its not for satan, now,we are inheritors, read, your word, Yeshua bible, true faith, and obeying Yeshua Jesus words, this how being wealthy and rich came:

  46. On the other end of things: I’m a devout believer in seed faith giving to God, thanks to Oral Roberts. The seeds I planted into Gods Kingdom for Christ has endured me many times, in miraculous ways. Because of alot of people like me, when one is on the receiving end of the tithe, often it’s all prosperity for them. I give in a number of ways but, giving to God through the church will always be a first and foremost for me. What happens to it after it leaves my hands is in Gods good judgement, (even though, saddly enough, the doctrin is often incorrect). A new rise in the church today, the new definition of preacher or pastor, (motivational speaker). Ok. i get it but, Joyce Meyer, no preacher or pastor and no church. ‘In those days, even the most Elect will be decieved’.

    • I never sowed a seed and I’m pretty well situated……. Does that mean God loves me more than the people who sowed seeds?

      • The TV people stand out and don’t try to hide their wealth. I believe there are many other well known christian preachers who have also accumulated wealth for themselves and their families from the “conservative” side. The churches are obsessed with keeping the “youth” in their churches and spend very little effort on reaching “the lost” in their own communities. All the kids go to good universities at no cost and and some are very spoiled. It is not just the so-called prosperity preachers.

  47. Mormons have the wrong Jesus. In one of their books(Doctrine & Covenants), it states that Jesus is the Spirit brother of Lucifer. The bible does speak about a different Jesus..

  48. Any one who receives financial compensation to preach the gospel is not of God. Anyone who follows them will end up in torment after this life. These men are false teachers and lack the ability to guide anyone to God because they don’t know God. Their hearts are set on the things of the world, therefore they cannot know about the things of God. Following or trusting them is to put your salvation in jeopardy and it will require sincere repentance for trusting the arm of flesh. It is far easier to rely on these false prophets than to actually make the effort daily to know God through true prayer, service and faith. God is freely available to all people we just need to allow him in our hearts and follow the Holy Spirit.

    • Well I can’t blame a pastor for being paid for his or her work. But these televangelists are enriching themselves on the backs of the poor and preaching a false gospel.

  49. Kiera it isnt envy its not whether these preacher have money it is the manner by which they have made their money which has been by utilizing the leverage of the prosperity gospel against sheep who you would like to think had a little more discernment.

  50. I agree, Mormon are not Christians. They have the Mormon Book has their Bible. My Dad was a Mormon, but converted when he met my Mother, but never stopped reading his Mormon Bible. Mother would not let us children read it.

  51. In the Middle East, Christianity started as a relationship with The Nazarene, our Lord and Savior, in Europe it became a religion, and in America it became a business. These hucksters missed the part where Jesus spoke to thousands,DID NOT CHARGE ADMISSION AND FED THEM FOR FREE! Also, He did not have even a donkey to his name, as neither did any of His prophets. All these people found a lucrative way to profit from trafficking in the name of The Lord. It’s immoral that a community of Christians hungry for the Word throughout the world generate close to a billion dollars to handful of crooked and corrupt so called “pastors”. (not to mention the Church of Rome, home to pedophile and homosexual “men of the Frock”) which has its own country and untold wealth!

    • Great question. YouTube has a ton of great preachers but stay away from guys like Michael Rood and the other Hebrew Roots “rabbis”.

      I still prefer classics like Chuck Swindol, the Stanley’s, etc.

      If you want actual expert lessons then get on iTunes University and listen to classes taught by real seminaries and universities. They have classes from Harvard, Fuller, Asbury, etc.

      • Best way to learn the “true” faith is by reading the Bible. No teacher required, and more often than not, a “teacher” keeps people from finding the truth. Seminaries, theology classes, etc, are some of the worst sources for God’s truth. You’ll learn how a person, or group of people decided what the Bible means, but it’s loaded with man-derived doctrines that are false, and countless occasions of “going beyond what is written”, which the Bible instructs us not to do. God did not hide the true faith, nor make it difficult to find. His Word is plain simple truth, written for all to understand and be able to serve Him in spirit and in truth. There’s no big puzzle or mystery that someone “in the know” needs to show us. It’s simple – the way God intended. Mankind makes it a mess and it’s been a total mess since its headquarters moved from Jerusalem to Babylon (Rome). Just read your Bible, folks – learn it, and most importantly, live it. God Bless!

        • I’m willing to bet you’ve never attended seminary. If you had you would know that seminaries don’t exist to tell people what to believe or what the “correct” theology is. Seminary degrees focus on learning the original languages, cultures, and contexts of the Biblical authors and audiences. My 3 year Mdiv program only included two theology classes and like most seminaries they were survey classes, not classes on specific theological systems.

          Furthermore, if you think any person can just pickup a Bible and understand all of it without some amount of education then you’re crazy. The Bible is full of ideas and practices that have meaning to the original audience but has completely lost all meaning in modern times. That it why you learn things like ancient Near Eastern history and culture when you learn the old testament. It’s why you learn Hebrew and Aramaic and read extra Biblical texts contemporaneous to the Biblical texts.

          I highly recommend you actually obtain a seminary degree from an accredited seminary before you try to teach others about what seminary is and isn’t good for.

  52. I had a bad feeling about some of them. Thanks for verifying what the Spirit was saying to me! I didn’t know all of them, but the ones I felt creepy about were on the list! God Bless!

    • As a general rule, never give anyone on TV money. We have starving children in the world. Give to the organizations actually doing the work of God, not a guy who lives in a mansion.

      • as a believer we are called to serve in a local church Hebrews 10:25, give to the church you attend, if its a Godly church they will be more than transparent with the finances of the congregation. Ours is and, I attend the not so fun board meetings to know where the moneys going

    • My understanding is that Pope Francis is not wealthy…. just the Catholic church at large. But I have heard about these wealthy Imams. I did not consider them when I wrote this. It looks like it might be time to revise the list!

    • The Popes owns nothing no personal wealth and the Catholic Church does more charity by accident than all these false prophets do on purpose.

    • I am sure they work hard but any respectable preacher who makes millions from their books should stop taking money from the church like Rick Warren did. There are a slew of famous preachers who did things like right way like Bill Hybels, Rick Warren, etc.

      Working hard is no excuse to take money from people and spent it on waste and luxury goods. With the amount of money they waste they could have eradicated all child hunger from the USA already but they would rather have a mansion and a a fleet of planes and cars.

      Being a Christian leader means you protect your flock, not use them to make you rich.

  53. It makes sense that they make that much per year if you do the calculations:
    Most of these leaders have about 25,000 members.
    If each member donated at least $100 per Sunday (or Saturday). That would equal $2,500,000 per month (if 4 Sundays in a month) and $30,000,000 per year.
    The numbers add up.

    • So you think the only reason to tithe to the church is to give more money to the pastor?

      The purpose of the tithe is not to make the pastor rich. It’s to grow the kingdom of God and to serve those in need.

        • That passage has nothing to do with going to church. You stripped it from it’s context. Jesus was talking about the Pharisees who pray publicly to seem more religious.

          The point of church is not go pray. If you think praying is the only reason to go to church then I think you missed something my friend.

  54. You need to add Jesse Duplantis, Jerry Savelle, Morris Cerullo, Mike Murdoch, Robert Morris, Sam Adeyemi..I could go on, but this is plenty.

      • Here is one video where Morris is saying your marriage is failing because you don’t tithe. I attended Gateway for a year and I was in attendance when Morris preached his Blessed Life series. He never once read 2 Cor 9:7 – You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cP0uFa4tj58

        • troysr.. Have you read the book of Job?

          Have you ever been blessed, by blessing others??? Even financially?

          Those who hold onto money, (the love of money) – don’t allow for the blessing that one can receive by not holding on so tight. It’s all God’s anyway, right? Do you believe the Holy Spirit is alive and well today?? I do..

          Hope you found a good church to land at troysr…

    • That’s a good question but I don’t really see him as a religious leader or pastor. I know he does motivational speaking and sells books but I believe that’s all.

  55. Edir Macedo (of Brazil) also owns one of the largest TV stations in the country. There is video on YouTube where he claims openly and proudly to be the richest pastor on the world. So, no better source then the horses mouth.


  57. Joyce Meyer makes so much because she has a lot of books. I don't tihnk people realize she's got her books in like 10 different formats. Oh and she's so big (sarcasm) into giving to people overseas. She a big supporter of Mercy Ministries now Mercy Multiplied. The girls that live in the St Louis home that looks like a Mansion get it thrown in their face about how much Joyce helps Mercy. Also her "helping people overseas" care packages are not very much. Its less than we give a homeless person in America. I don't know how you can help someone overseas in prison by giving them hotel soap and shampoo bottles and one book call that help… I know her heart may be right but I'm sure she could afford to give more than a book and a few cents worth of hygeine products.

  58. Yes you missed the biggest of all. Thomas S Monson is the sole owner of the the corporation of the first presidency of the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints.

    The mormon church is estimated to have a net worth of about $44bn and annual tiring revenue of around $7bn.

    Since it is a corporation sole, Thomas Monson owns it all and should top your list

    • You know what I should have made this about Christian leaders and not religious leaders. I did not even think about the Mormons haha.

      I am going to change the title :)


      • “You know what I should have made this about Christian leaders and not religious leaders. I did not even think about the Mormons haha.”

        Mormons are Christians. They believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. That’s the definition of Christian.

        • Not really. A Christian is someone who follows Christ and his teachings. Christ taught a lot more than just believe that I am the son of God.

          I guess if mormons fall into this category then they are Christians. But I have read the book or Mormon and it clearly contradicts the Bible.


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