As part of an on-going debate on the issue of homosexuality a friend of mine posted a fairly good article on facebook about it. After a short while what seemed to be an upset young lady replied with this….
The Worst Televangelist Product Scams Of All Time
It’s 3:00AM and you can’t sleep. You scan through all the info-mercial channels and skin-a-max, only to be lured in by a powerful speaker telling you that for just a small seed payment of $32.99 you can be rich. Why? Because the Bible says that God want’s to make everyone rich! You just have to send a check in within the 25 minutes and BAM! You are rich beyond measure!
We all know the scenario. Stations like TBN are always airing different info-mercials for various products that will change your entire life and provide you with a fat wallet and no need for health insurance. Here is the top 5 count down of my favorites.
3 Gifts of the Holy Spirit They Never Told You About In Corinthians
If you are part of a charismatic church or have visited one you might have noticed that some Corinthian behavior is present. Most popular of those is speaking in tongues and other various manifestations. (Although, not the sexual behaviors…..the denominational churches have the deviant sexual behavior of the Corinthians church taken care of already).
What you might not know is that the list of spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 is not an exhaustive list. Paul obviously was not aware that the 20th and 21st century would bring with them an addendum of gifts, in addition to the old ones; IE, wisdom, knowledge, healing, etc…..Here are a few that can be added to the list.
3 Things In Church Services that Terrify Normal People
If I asked you why some people visit your church and never return you might have some pretty sound reasons why that is. Some of those reasons might even be very deep theologically. You could say, “they just did’t like the style.” Or “they were too Calvinist.” Or even this gem; “they must need a more seeker friendly church.”
You Might Be A Youth Pastor If……
There are a lot of jokes floating around the inter-web about youth pastors. That fact is, youth pastors are a special breed of human beings…..if in fact they really are human beings. In case you are wondering if you are a true youth pastor or if God is calling you to be a youth pastor; please consider the following…..