Things I’ve learned in church #1.
Jesus supports social justice and calls Christians too also…..just as long as it’s called justice not welfare or healthcare. Those are democratic and Jesus votes republican.
Jesus supports social justice and calls Christians too also…..just as long as it’s called justice not welfare or healthcare. Those are democratic and Jesus votes republican.
Every once in a while landmark discoveries appear that confirm that either the Bible is the Word of God, or that Christians have evidence to support their faith. Please enjoy these videos.
It’s 3:00AM and you can’t sleep. You scan through all the info-mercial channels and skin-a-max, only to be lured in by a powerful speaker telling you that for just a small seed payment of $32.99 you can be rich. Why? Because the Bible says that God want’s to make everyone rich! You just have to send a check in within the 25 minutes and BAM! You are rich beyond measure!
We all know the scenario. Stations like TBN are always airing different info-mercials for various products that will change your entire life and provide you with a fat wallet and no need for health insurance. Here is the top 5 count down of my favorites.
If you grew up in the church it is very likely that at some point in time you wanted to either be Samson or you wanted to marry one. Either way Samson was a pretty epic Bible character. He had huge rippling muscles (we assume), chicks swooned at the sight of him, and he was a one-man army! If he were offered a Panzer to go into battle with he would laugh and trade it in for a jaw bone and maybe a new suite!
For the second entry in the “Jerks of the Bible” series, we are going to get into double trouble. If you have read the book of Samuel you will recall the delinquent sons of Eli. The sons of Eli (Hophni and Phinehas) were basically the modern equivalent of the Lehman Brothers, except they didn’t file for bankruptcy and they were after your beef, not your money. If that analogy does not do anything for you then think of them like this….they were basically ancient versions of the Jersey Shore cast, and they were in charge of the temple offering!
We often associate the Biblical characters with vast amounts of piety and holiness. We think of guys like Moses who parted the Red Sea (or possibly Sea of Reeds). And what about Joshua the brave? He courageously entered the promised land, leading the Israelites into a victorious battle for the land flowing with milk and honey. These are fun people to explore. But this is dedicated to the other fun sub-set of Bible characters; The Jerks!