Jerks Of The Bible Series | Entry #8: Judah

Kevissimo Loss and Deception Story of Judah and Tamar

Judah Judah was one of the 12 sons of Jacob that later become the 12 tribes of Israel. He fathered three sons, Er and then Onan, and lastly Shelah. Both of his two older son’s were killed by God. Why He’s a Jerk Never rebuked his son Onan for lying in order to have sex with his … Read more

Did God Kill Onan For Spilling His Seed?

Tamar of Judah, 1847

TLDR Video Summary   Did God kill Onan because he wasted his seed and spilled it on the ground? The answer is clear in the Bible but sadly, many people don’t read the Bible stories in their entirety. They just read snippets. This leads to people dreadfully misinformed about biblical events. Now, let’s take a … Read more

Jerks Of The Bible Series | Entry #1: Absalom

Absalom the Awesome

We often associate the Biblical characters with vast amounts of piety and holiness. We think of guys like Moses who parted the Red Sea (or possibly Sea of Reeds). And what about Joshua the brave? He courageously entered the promised land, leading the Israelites into a victorious battle for the land flowing with milk and honey. These are fun people to explore. But this is dedicated to the other fun sub-set of Bible characters; The Jerks!

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