Jerks Of The Bible Series | Entry #8: Judah

Kevissimo Loss and Deception Story of Judah and Tamar

Judah Judah was one of the 12 sons of Jacob that later become the 12 tribes of Israel. He fathered three sons, Er and then Onan, and lastly Shelah. Both of his two older son’s were killed by God. Why He’s a Jerk Never rebuked his son Onan for lying in order to have sex with his … Read more

Jerks Of The Bible Series | Entry #3: Samson


If you grew up in the church it is very likely that at some point in time you wanted to either be Samson or you wanted to marry one. Either way Samson was a pretty epic Bible character. He had huge rippling muscles (we assume), chicks swooned at the sight of him, and he was a one-man army! If he were offered a Panzer to go into battle with he would laugh and trade it in for a jaw bone and maybe a new suite!

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Jerks Of The Bible Series | Entry #2: Hophni and Phinehas

Eli's Sons

For the second entry in the “Jerks of the Bible” series, we are going to get into double trouble. If you have read the book of Samuel you will recall the delinquent sons of Eli. The  sons of Eli (Hophni and Phinehas) were basically the modern equivalent of the Lehman Brothers, except they didn’t file for bankruptcy and they were after your beef, not your money. If that analogy does not do anything for you then think of them like this….they were basically ancient versions of the Jersey Shore cast, and they were in charge of the temple offering!

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