Eternal Security or Conditional Security?

eternal security meme

Eternal Security has always been a tough subject because it’s impact on our everyday life is significant. It affects, how we act, how we view others, and how we view the scriptures.

Let us first take a look at the three scenarios that exist for this argument (assuming I’m not missing anything). Usually three different opinions can be supported by scripture. 1) Once saved always saved based on God’s promises. 2) Once saved you can still turn your back on God because of free will (conditional salvation). 3) Once saved you are a new creation and will not be able to turn from God. I am not necessarily advocating any of these 3, just listing them for the readers.

I am sure a more in-depth examination could be had on this subject. This is just an overview. If you wish to add to the discussion please use the comments section below.

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Artificial Reproductive Technology and Christianity

Artificial reproduction

The basic question here is: how much technology is too much? How far should Christians go in order to bear children? At what point should we consider that maybe God did not want us to have children?

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Hearing God’s Voice

where the magic happens

Anyone ever feel like your not hearing from God? Ever feel like you are alone in what was supposed to be a two-sided relationship? Well your not alone! Often, at least in my own life, I feel isolated from from God and that he is never going to speak to me.

Here are some things that I think have helped me….

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You Might Be A Youth Pastor If……

There are a lot of jokes floating around the inter-web about youth pastors. That fact is, youth pastors are a special breed of human beings…..if in fact they really are human beings. In case you are wondering if you are a true youth pastor or if God is calling you to be a youth pastor; please consider the following…..

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