Top 10 Worst Christian Fashions And Clothing

Various modest dresses

If you went to a Catholic school, Christian school, or your parents were awesome enough to home school you, then you already know whats about to happen here. This is the top 10 list of the absolute worst Christian torture devices  clothing pieces or trends in the Christian world.

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Top 5 Crazy Christians

Perrin crazy christian god warrior


If you have been a Christian who takes your faith serious then you might have puked up in the back of your throat a bit when Harold Camper convinced thousands of people to quit their jobs and prepare the world for the end of the universe. In fact, it seams like everyday that some “Christian” is making it big in the mainstream media for making a complete fools of themselves. Here are some of my favorites.

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The Worst Televangelist Product Scams Of All Time

Mike Murdock

It’s 3:00AM and you can’t sleep. You scan through all the info-mercial channels and skin-a-max, only to be lured in by a powerful speaker telling you that for just a small seed payment of $32.99 you can be rich. Why? Because the Bible says that God want’s to make everyone rich! You just have to send a check in within the 25 minutes and BAM! You are rich beyond measure!

We all know the scenario. Stations like TBN are always airing different info-mercials for various products that will change your entire life and provide you with a fat wallet and no need for health insurance. Here is the top 5 count down of my favorites.

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10 People You Will Meet Or Already Have Met At Church

Creepy Hugger

I consider myself  to be a bit of a denominational mutt. I grew up in the Catholic school system, converted to charismatic non-denominational-ism when I was 16, and worked for a Presbyterian and a Lutheran church in my 20’s. I’ve been to Southern Baptist churches, Brethren, Church of  Christ, Methodist, American Baptist, Pentecostal, AG, and just about all the rest in my early Christian walk. However, I have noticed that in all the denominations, it is mostly just the theology that changes. The people are always the same……always.

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3 Gifts of the Holy Spirit They Never Told You About In Corinthians

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If you are part of a charismatic church or have visited one you might have noticed that some Corinthian behavior is present. Most popular of those is speaking in tongues and other various manifestations. (Although, not the sexual behaviors…..the denominational churches have the deviant sexual behavior of the Corinthians church taken care of already).

What you might not know is that the list of spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 is not an exhaustive list. Paul obviously was not aware that the 20th and 21st century would bring with them an addendum of gifts, in addition to the old ones; IE, wisdom, knowledge, healing, etc…..Here are a few that can be added to the list.

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3 Things I’ve Learned About Politics From Church Sermons


If you have been a Christian for at least one voting term you will know that many pastors and church leaders are pretty serious about voting and associating with the appropriate political party. In fact, if you don’t align with that view you might not be welcome in which ever church you are attending, or at the very least you may receive a partial shunning because of your ignorance of God’s voting preferences.

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