Ancient VS Modern Idolatry


Ancient Idolatry

We really don’t spend much time thinking about how and why idolatry existed in ancient days. I am sure most of us have heard sermons on this topic, but here is a fresh look at it.

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10 People You Will Meet Or Already Have Met At Church

Creepy Hugger

I consider myself  to be a bit of a denominational mutt. I grew up in the Catholic school system, converted to charismatic non-denominational-ism when I was 16, and worked for a Presbyterian and a Lutheran church in my 20’s. I’ve been to Southern Baptist churches, Brethren, Church of  Christ, Methodist, American Baptist, Pentecostal, AG, and just about all the rest in my early Christian walk. However, I have noticed that in all the denominations, it is mostly just the theology that changes. The people are always the same……always.

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An Ode To All Fathers: 5 Most Embarrassing Dad Traits

dress socks and shorts

As we reflect on father’s coming up this Sunday, 17th; I thought it would be appropriate to list just exactly why father’s are so near a dear to our hearts.

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Stewardship and Tithing


What are your thoughts? Is tithing a NT mandate? Is it necessary to give 10% to the church? Is it just an OT issue? Does the church really need our money? Before we get into the nitty gritty, here some videos about tithing that should make you laugh.

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Role Play: Biblical Gender Roles

adam and eve2

One of the questions that remains in debate is the issue of the roles of men and women, or possibly lack of roles. How can one understand God’s design and purpose for humankind?

When God assigned tasks in Genesis 3 were they defined roles or consequences of the fall?

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