10 Worst Christian Bands and Artists of All Time


10. Raze Raze is best known for their hit song “All Around The World”. I would first like to clarify that yes this song was actually popular in the late 90’s…..but then again, so was Barbie Girl. The late 90’s was a very special time for music. Raze is a genre all on their own, somehow melding … Read more

Summary of the Entire Bible


Thanks to an unknown Facebook-er and the Reddit-er that reposted this gem, I now share with you, the briefest synopsis of the entire Bible. GENESIS God: All right, you two, don’t do the one thing. Other than that, have fun. Adam & Eve: Okay. Satan: You should do the thing. Adam & Eve: Okay. God: … Read more

Dr. Who? – Televangelists With Fake Educations and Degrees


It seems as though every television preacher has a “Dr.” fixed to their names. What did these great giants of theology do to earn their Doctorate degrees? Typically nothing. Those who DID earn a degree usually did so from a fake school. In fact, most of them came from just 3 schools. Here is the … Read more

5 Bible Verses That Will Melt Your Brain

confused hart

As indicated in the title, some passages simply make little to no sense to the modern reader. Some of them eventually become understandable as time passes and we learn more about the culture in which the people live. However, some passages may never make a lot of sense. Here are some of my favorites.

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Bible Verses That Don’t Actually Appear In The Bible

Apparently God thinks I'm a bad-ass

If your like me then you hate to hear cheap slogans and over-used phrases. Every time I go to a wedding and hear 1 Corinthians 13 read I cringe. Please, for the love of Peter, can Christians start reading the Bible?

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Some Direct Questions About The Bible, Jesus, And Homosexuality Explained

adam and steve

As part of an on-going debate on the issue of homosexuality a friend of mine posted a fairly good article on facebook about it. After a short while what seemed to be an upset young lady replied with this….

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