Top 10 Worst Christian Fashions And Clothing

Various modest dresses

If you went to a Catholic school, Christian school, or your parents were awesome enough to home school you, then you already know whats about to happen here. This is the top 10 list of the absolute worst Christian torture devices  clothing pieces or trends in the Christian world.

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Church In Ohio Starting A Christian Wrestling Organization | Rugged Cross Championship Wrestling (RCCW)

Christian Wrestling

Christian Pro Wrestling

A church in Martin’s Ferry Ohio has begun to take the sacrifice of body and blood seriously, by starting a Christian professional wrestling organization.

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Jerks Of The Bible Series | Entry #4: Jonah

Jonah and Great Fish

Jonah was a jerk!

Most of us know the story of Jonah, and we also know that part of his story is that he ran away from God’s calling for him. What most people don’t recall is the rest of the story. It is the 4th chapter of the book of Jonah that reveals that he is a flat out jerk.

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Top 5 Crazy Christians

Perrin crazy christian god warrior


If you have been a Christian who takes your faith serious then you might have puked up in the back of your throat a bit when Harold Camper convinced thousands of people to quit their jobs and prepare the world for the end of the universe. In fact, it seams like everyday that some “Christian” is making it big in the mainstream media for making a complete fools of themselves. Here are some of my favorites.

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Things I’ve learned In Church: Jesus Was a Republican

Jesus is a socialist

Things I’ve learned in church #1.

Jesus supports social justice and calls Christians too also…..just as long as it’s called justice not welfare or healthcare. Those are democratic and Jesus votes republican.

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Ancient VS Modern Idolatry


Ancient Idolatry

We really don’t spend much time thinking about how and why idolatry existed in ancient days. I am sure most of us have heard sermons on this topic, but here is a fresh look at it.

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