Unicorns In The Bible (The King James Bible [KJV] Of Course)

San Giovanni Evangelista in Ravenna unicorn

If you have been reading posts at DOTB for very long you will already know that poking fun at our own religion is something that is done regularly. Not really because we have animosity towards Christianity but because if Christians can’t laugh at their own weirdness and mistakes then we’re in a world of hurt since we live a world that is increasingly more educated and sometimes more knowledgeable about Christianity than most Christians are. That of course brings me to a topic that one of the students in my church alerted me to; unicorns in the Bible.

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Savita Halappanavar: The Face of Christian Extremism & Inability to Deal With Grey Matter

Savita Halappanavar Abortion related death

As reported recently in almost every major news outlet, a young Indian woman by the name of Savita Halappanavar has recently passed due to an early pregnancy miscarriage, and was refused an abortion in an Ireland Catholic hospital. This horrible event has sparked outrage among many in Ireland about the legality (or lack of legality) of abortions. In fact, things have escalated so much that even the Indian government is now getting involved in the matter.

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The Mission of Jesus Christ: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to….”

Cake and icecream

One of the things that I love about the Catholic Church (which I am not a part of) is their relentless desire to promote the social gospel. No, I do not mean that they are good at witnessing over Facebook. What I mean is that they take Jesus’ mission to the poor, sick, and outcast seriously. When I look at the things that the Protestant Church takes serious I see a much different picture.

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Going Back in Time; the Best Christian Music From the 1990’s

releitn K Fannie packs

This is SUCH a hard top 5 to decide on. For one, music was altogether different in the 90’s. Their was boys bands, girl bands, ska bands, punk rock revival, and so much else happening. Here is my humble list of some my favorite bands and songs from Christian artists in the 90’s. Hope you enjoy. Leave me feed back with your personal favorites!

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Things I’ve Learned In Church | Entry #6: Videos Games Are Evil

demons souls

If you like to play video games, you just might be destined to end up in hell!! Well, at least according to some churches I’ve been to and also these fine young men below explaining why they are bad for you.

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5 Reasons The King James Version Only Movement Is Completely Nuts


Let me get one thing straight before I even start this list. There is nothing wrong with wanting to read the KJV. The problem is when fanatics try to force other people to read it because they have been convinced that the new translations are evil because the translators are “changing” the Bible. However, the King Jame Bible on your shelf right now is not the same as the original 1611 KJV. In fact, the 1611 KJV Bible that you can buy on amazon or any other Bible store is still not the same as the real 1611 King James.

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