Christian Themed Animated GIFs
Who doesn’t love a good GIF? The devil that’s who. Here is a fun collection of Christian themed GIFs.
Who doesn’t love a good GIF? The devil that’s who. Here is a fun collection of Christian themed GIFs.
Judah Judah was one of the 12 sons of Jacob that later become the 12 tribes of Israel. He fathered three sons, Er and then Onan, and lastly Shelah. Both of his two older son’s were killed by God. Why He’s a Jerk Never rebuked his son Onan for lying in order to have sex with his … Read more
This is, by far, one of the funniest bits I have seen from a Christian comedian. Hope you enjoy these great impersonations.
If you wanted memes for Christmas then you came to the right place. Here is a fine collection of the cleanest Christmas memes from around the inter webs.