One of the most unbelievable things about people of faith is that they are willing to believe a lot things with very little evidence or proof. Whether it’s a matter of wanting something to believe in or trying to be part of the elect, many people have been sucked into believing that Jesus has returned to the earth. Here are the 5 at the top of the list!
Things I’ve Learned In Church | Entry #6: Videos Games Are Evil
If you like to play video games, you just might be destined to end up in hell!! Well, at least according to some churches I’ve been to and also these fine young men below explaining why they are bad for you.
5 Worst Things That Make People Unreasonably Upset In Church
I’m sure you’ve seen it before. Someone complaining and stinking the place up over something that happened at church or at a church function. Here are 5 things that make church people unreasonably upset.
Jerks Of The Bible Series | Entry #6: Unnamed Levite in Judges 19
Judges is a fun book in the Bible. It depicts a time period in Israelite history that was less than stellar. For more on that time period you can read –>this<– post on Samson. Right about when Samson was leaving the scene the Bible records a story that is possibly one of the most gruesome of all religious texts.
Things I’ve Learned In Church | Entry #5: Laziness & The Spirit of Lethargy
I’m no dummy. I already learned that laziness is one of the seven deadly sins. Although, you might know it more as slothfulness. But either way, being lazy is a serious issue in the early church and even more so since the rise of Protestantism.
Top 10 Worst Christian Fashions And Clothing
If you went to a Catholic school, Christian school, or your parents were awesome enough to home school you, then you already know whats about to happen here. This is the top 10 list of the absolute worst Christian torture devices clothing pieces or trends in the Christian world.