Did The Early Church Use The Apocrypha As Scripture?

the blinding of Tobit and Raphael, at the beginning of Tobit

Anytime a question is asked about what the “early church” thought about something, it is important to know that many of our early writings are not in 100% agreement. Few topics had the luxury of being uncontested. Even the existence of Hell was hotly debated (pun intended). Some believed in a fiery eternal torment while … Read more

Why Did The Apocryphal Books Get Removed From The Bible?

Apocrypha KJV

Introduction For many Christians the topic of the Apocryphal books is far from a burning interest. In fact, a large number of Christians might give you a blank stare if you ask them if they even know what they are. The Apocryphal books, also known as Deuterocanonical, are books of the Old Testament that fall … Read more

What Does The Title “Son of Man” Mean?

Jesus at the right hand of the Father

I’ve heard a number of good and bad explanations for the title “Son of Man” over the years and I’ve largely tried to avoid getting into the weeds on this matter because I have primarily focused on studying the early parts of the Old Testament, however, there this term is used so often in the … Read more

Did Jesus or The New Testament Authors Quote from The Apocryphal Books?

Judith kills Holofernes (Book of Judith 13), published in 1877

TLDR Video Short Summary Update: This article was not intended to be a full-throated defense of the canonization of the apocryphal books because I do not personally believe that the entire collection should be canonized. However, due to the content of this post and the reason why most people are reading this, I will be … Read more