Why Did The Apocryphal Books Get Removed From The Bible?

Apocrypha KJV

Introduction For many Christians the topic of the Apocryphal books is far from a burning interest. In fact, a large number of Christians might give you a blank stare if you ask them if they even know what they are. The Apocryphal books, also known as Deuterocanonical, are books of the Old Testament that fall … Read more

Does Hebrews 10:5 Misquote Psalm 40:6?

Papyrus 79, Hebrews 10

I learned a long time ago that the cross-reference in the margins of the average Bible was a helpful guide to understanding how the New Testament (NT) and the Old Testament (OT) relate to one another. Somewhere around 2009 I also made the realization that some of the OT references listed in the NT were … Read more

What is the Septuagint or LXX?

Hebrew & Greek Maniscript

The Septuagint, also known as LXX, is a Greek translation of the Old Testament. In some places, it acts even as an interpretive tool, such as the shortening of Job by 1/6th of it’s size in the Masoretic Text (MT) and a number of passages that appear differently in the Greek than in the Hebrew … Read more