Practical Tips: How to be a Wise Decision Maker


Practical Tips: How to be a Wise Decision Maker Lighthearted comedian Gabriel Iglesias has several stand-up comedy specials. The latest one (2016) is called “I’m Sorry for What I Said When I was Hungry.” The title stood out to me, for some reason, and I started thinking about the truth of it. How often do … Read more

MEME-TASTIC: DOTB Partnering with


As some old-timer DOTB readers will recall; once upon a time DOTB attempted a funky social network hybrid. That proved to be unsustainable due to limited support and vast amounts of spamming. Today, we just do publications and a forum. However, DOTB is now partnering with a separate social networking site: The site is … Read more

Why Me? – Seeing God in Life’s Difficulties

let down by vhm_alex

Why Me? “There’s a lesson in everything.”  I keep discovering how right my godmother was when she told me things like this (but my inner teenager is still rolling her eyes).  I’ve written about my struggle with mental illness (anxiety and clinical depression).  An important coping mechanism is learning how to process strong emotions so … Read more

Tips for Handling Hardships

James 1:2-4

How to survive hardships without losing your faith or your sanity Everyone goes through rough times spiritually and in their everyday life, but for some of us, it’s easier to deal with these situations than it is for others. As Christians, there’s a spiritual and extremely reliable set of tools we have available for us … Read more

Hegel, and even Nietzsche see the Christian Ethic


Hegel, Nietzsche, and Christian Ethics In studying ethics, it is important to recognize that ethics develop out-of larger philosophy or belief systems. Ethics are like a surface that reflects the movement in underlying thoughts. Thus, understanding the sources of modern Christian ethics helps us to move forward; if we know where we have been, we … Read more