Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 Are Not about Satan

Mountain range in Czech

Once upon a time I set out to figure out what the Old Testament had to say about Satan. It turns out that it does not say very much. However, it has a lot to say about the fallen angels and the council of gods, which we will see below. Moreover, some verses that people … Read more

No, The Leviathan Is Not A Crocodile

Tiamat Cylinder Seal

I have heard many pastors and church leaders attempt to link the leviathan with a real animal which could be recognized by humans. This idea that the Leviathan was a crocodile or similar creature is a very popular teaching. I can still recall being in youth group discussing the possible animals that could be the … Read more

Did Jesus or The New Testament Authors Quote from The Apocryphal Books?

Judith kills Holofernes (Book of Judith 13), published in 1877

TLDR Video Short Summary Update: This article was not intended to be a full-throated defense of the canonization of the apocryphal books because I do not personally believe that the entire collection should be canonized. However, due to the content of this post and the reason why most people are reading this, I will be … Read more

Biblical Archaeology: What is The Eridu Genesis?

Eridu Genesis Tablet, Penn Museum

About the Eridu Genesis Creation Myth Dating The Eridu Genesis myth comes from Old Babylonian empire and is usually dated to about 1600 BCE. It was written on clay tablets which are quite fragmented. It is often refereed to as the Sumerian Flood Myth. This is because it’s recorded in Sumerian cuneiform. However, paleographers would … Read more

Does Hebrews 10:5 Misquote Psalm 40:6?

Papyrus 79, Hebrews 10

I learned a long time ago that the cross-reference in the margins of the average Bible was a helpful guide to understanding how the New Testament (NT) and the Old Testament (OT) relate to one another. Somewhere around 2009 I also made the realization that some of the OT references listed in the NT were … Read more

Was Codex Sinaiticus Found In The Trash?

Codex 1 Add MS 43725, British Library

Sometimes a lie can be repeated so many times that even educated people believe the lie. One example is the myth that Easter came from Ishtar. Easter has nothing to do with a goddess from Mesopotamia. Another myth is that one of the popular manuscripts used in translating modern Bibles (the Sinaiticus) was discovered in … Read more