5 Worst Things That Make People Unreasonably Upset In Church


I’m sure you’ve seen it before. Someone complaining and stinking the place up over something that happened at church or at a church function. Here are 5 things that make church people unreasonably upset.

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Things I’ve Learned In Church | Entry #5: Laziness & The Spirit of Lethargy

Spirit of lethargy


I’m no dummy. I already learned that laziness is one of the seven deadly sins. Although, you might know it more as slothfulness. But either way, being lazy is a serious issue in the early church and even more so since the rise of Protestantism.

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Moses and the Calf Incident at Sinai


Has anyone actually read the story that we call the “Ten Commandments?” Its one of my favorite reads of all times. It’s not because the tablets are really that cool….or the endless amounts of debauchery that was happening at the foot of Mt. Sinai. It wasn’t even how BA Moses was when he threw the … Read more

The Bible and Homosexuality Continued: Are Homosexuals Going To Hell?


First, don’t let the signs above scare you. God doesn’t do a lot of hating in the Bible. In fact, He loves you so much that He came to earth and died for us. Second, if you have not read the first installation on this topic please do by following THIS LINK. Without first reading … Read more