Daily Bible Reading Devotional [Jeremiah31:27-43] – September 26th, 2016


Scripture Reading(s) Jeremiah 31:27-34 31:27 The days are surely coming, says the LORD, when I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of humans and the seed of animals. 31:28 And just as I have watched over them to pluck up and break down, to overthrow, destroy, and … Read more

Practical Ways to Pursue Quiet Time with Christ & Why it is Vital to Our Christian Walk


Every morning I wake up and say to myself that today’s distractions will not get in the way of my devotional time with God. Yet, as soon as I take my first step out of bed, I am immediately met with a million excuses as to why I have not taken the time to be … Read more

My Testimony [From Anonymous Submission]

Car wrecked

That morning, something kept whispering ‘you are going to die. You are going to die’ into my ear. No, it wasn’t my imagination—it was some sort of—I don’t even know. Surprisingly, rather than shooing the sinister voice into slinking away, I listened in surprised. Will I die today? I have not yet fulfilled my purpose. I am … Read more

Reverend & Author Bromleigh McCleneghan Believes That Sex Outside Of Marriage Is Biblical, The Bible And All Of Christian History Seems To Disagree

Church wedding cross

As has been reported in many news outlets, Reverend(used improperly) Bromleigh McCleneghan has authored a book (Good Christian Sex) that claims sex outside of marriage is both biblical and holy. While I am sure it would make a great post to discuss the topic in depth, I am going to have to read the book first. … Read more