Going Back in Time; the Best Christian Music From the 1990’s

This is SUCH a hard top 5 to decide on. For one, music was altogether different in the 90’s. Their was boys bands, girl bands, ska bands, punk rock revival, and so much else happening. Here is my humble list of some my favorite bands and songs from Christian artists in the 90’s. Hope you enjoy. Leave me feed back with your personal favorites!


The_W's_Fourth_From_the_Last_Cover5. The W’s
The W’s were perhaps one the most over-looked bands of the 90’s. Their hit “The Devil Is Bad” was a major hit in Christian circles, but sadly no one could ever remember the name of the band. As awesome as their first album was, the name of the band might have been an issue for them….and after their second album released and bombed……it was really bad, they left the music scene, never to be heard from again. However, I would like to point out that they did perform for the pope!! I don’t care if your Catholic or not, that is a big deal!! With that being said, here are their two biggest songs!!



releitn K Fannie packs4. Relient K
Relient K makes the list, even though they came late in the 1990’s (1998 to be exact), because when they showed up on the scene they changed everything about Christian rock/pop. In fact, their first two albums are still held dear to many long time K fans. They also were also hip long before hipsters. have you seen the video for “Pressing On?” That’s OK, I will post it below. Please take note of their style and especially the way they can flash the fanny packs!


3. Jars of Clay
jars of clay has had a long career already as far as bands are concerned. This band entered the mainstream in 1993 and pretty much never left. They even made quite an impact in the secular world with hits like “Flood” which was in the movie, A Walk To Remember, with Mandy Moore. They also earned a Grammy nomination in 1997, which is no small feat for a Christian band in the 1990’s. In case you are not familiar with the Fab Four (at least the original 4 members), here are some of their best pieces. from the 90’s.



DC Talk2. DC talk
Here is a FACT from the 90’s. If you did not at least hear about DC Talk, you did not live through the 90’s. With hits like Jesus Freak, Jesus Is Just Alright, and Colored People, they were in the fact of the mainstream movements and taking a stand for Jesus. Their was nothing subtle about DC Talk. They were hot and radical and developed a passionate following. Although, they took a big hit for using the same video producer that NIN used. That was not a slick move, and some of the video scenes are actually quite comparable with the anti-Christian band.

I should also mention that DC talk magic has somehow carried on through the Newsboys (Michael Tait)…..which strangely enough no longer contains any of the original Newboys members. And somehow they are putting out hits like “God’s Not Dead.” But I digress. For those who were sleeping in a cave or lived under a rock in the 90’s, this is for you my friend!


amy grant1. Amy Grant
Love her or hate her, she dominated the music scene and sometimes it wasn’t just the Christian music scene. Like many Christians, Amy has gone through life transitions, ups and downs, but she is STILL making music. She has one of the longest and most impressive music careers of any artist, Christian or non-Christian. However, it should be noted that it was in the 90’s that she strongly had her move in the mainstream and not the Christian stream. If any of her 90’s songs were hits, they likely had little Christian meaning. Either way, she was the queen of Christian pop, so here are some of her best hits.

BTW, please disregard the fact that Amy is wearing an occult outfit in this video. As I mentioned already, she went through some strange changes (we all do). Which is what makes this next video so sweet!


For those who wanted other bands on the list….here are some honorable mentions. Please feel free to add your own.

Steven Curtis Chapmin
Burlap To Cashmere
Point of Grace
Rich Mullins
Michael W Smith
Switchfoot (one of my faves)

And many more I am sure if we took the time to list them all!

8 thoughts on “Going Back in Time; the Best Christian Music From the 1990’s”

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  3. Thank you for the educative list of 90’s Christian Rock and Pop music.
    My taste has been shaped by my love of classical Trad and Modern Christian music and 47 years in Waltham Abbey Church Choir – sadly terminated by the need for heart surgery.

    • Keith,
      It sounds like you participates in REAL music haha. Most of these bands hardly had the skill level of a classicist. But I am glad you liked the post. There were some very unique bands in the 90’s that changed the way people viewed Christian pop music :)

      Do you still sing?


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