It’s 3:00AM and you can’t sleep. You scan through all the info-mercial channels and skin-a-max, only to be lured in by a powerful speaker telling you that for just a small seed payment of $32.99 you can be rich. Why? Because the Bible says that God want’s to make everyone rich! You just have to send a check in within the 25 minutes and BAM! You are rich beyond measure!
We all know the scenario. Stations like TBN are always airing different info-mercials for various products that will change your entire life and provide you with a fat wallet and no need for health insurance. Here is the top 5 count down of my favorites.
5. The Faith Seed
(Mike Murdock, Todd Coontz, Oral Roberts & others)
The faith seed is simple. You give a televangelist your money and then you miraculously have more money. This is true because (as Murdock says) “when you let go of what is in your hand, God let’s go of what’s in his hand.” So it appears that God likes to sit around the house with Benjamins in his hands. Not a bad style. I’ll be looking for that to appear on MTV Cribs sometime soon!
The Promise
- You will be blessed financially
- Your debt will disappear
- You will be blessed in the 58 different types of biblical blessings (according to Mike Murdock)
The Ridiculous
What is sad about this scam is that its probably the most popular one and the televangelist does not even have a product to sell. They are basically selling a promise or an IOU for a miracle. In rare cases they are willing to give you a 50 cent DVD or audio sermon in exchange for your seed.
Some really ballsy evangelists even go the full mile and offer you nothing in return for a $1000 dollar seed. You heard me right, you give the man $1000 and somewhere somehow money from heaven will be in your wallet.
4. Prayer Packages
(Kerney Thomas & others)
The prayer package is one of the greatest scams ever. The product is simple. You pay someone and they pray for you. It’s a simple transaction. If you don’t believe me just listen to the way Kerney Thomas speaks in tongues and yells into the camera.
You can’t tell me that that doesn’t persuade you just a little bit.
The Promise
- You will be healed
- You will receive an anointing from God
- You will have financial success
The Ridiculous
The thing that really sets this scam apart is that it is implying that your prayer is less important than the person being paid to pray for you. Somehow, this guy has a direct phone to God and they are in tight. Meanwhile, you’re just a bad Christian in need of help and God is clearly no listening to your prayers.
3. Prayer Cloths
(Offered by dozens of TV evangelists)
This is one of the oldest tricks in the book. This is yet another scam claiming to provide a “touch point,” which is the same as “point of contact,” used by Popoff. The unique thing about the prayer handkerchief scam is that they are sent out as FREE products. If you’ve been around TV evangelists for long though, you already know that free just means you will be harassed VIA mail until you donate money to their ministry.
The Promise
- The prayer cloth has been advertised to do anything from heal people to make them rich. (Personally, I am not buying one until it can make me taller have the tone of a body builder).
- It will cure all ailments
- All your dreams will come true
The Ridiculous
What is especially ridiculous about the prayer cloth is that it has taken on so many forms by so many evangelists. It is essentially is the amoebae of the miracle scam world. Prefer the Jesus blood red handkerchief? What about a green one? You can have your pick. Get your miracle AND not have to worry about color coordinating your outfit to match. You can get them in any color you desire.
2. Miracle Spring Water
(Reverend Peter Popoff)
First off, Peter Popoff is not a reverend. He just happens to have that title before his name because he decided he wanted it there. In the most classic sense of the term any one titled reverend is supposed to have status in the church, accompanied by the appropriate educational background for said title. Peter Popoff’s only education is in Charlatan University.
Secondly, if we have not learned anything from his failed and bankrupt healing ministry that was un-pantsed in the 80’s then its no surprise that people are buying into this guy again.
The Promise
- Miracle Spring Water will allow you to have all of God’s riches and blessings bestowed upon you.
- It will heal your body.
- You will receive checks for no reason in large amounts.
- You will have total victory in every area of your life.
The ridiculous
In the simplest terms, if you buy this miracle water, you will have all you ever desired. Essentially it’s a genie in a bottle…..except its just water……in a cheap plastic tube.
Popoff claims (as he does with other products) that this water is the “point of contact” for your miracle. I am not 100% sure what people are looking to come in contact with but this product is going to make sure your touching it.
1. Miracle Manna
(Reverend Peter Popoff)
This is my favorite product. Miracle Manna is a square cracker that apparently the Holy Spirit instructed Popoff to make according to Hebrew instructions from the book of Ezekiel. It’s important to note that God’s manna was featured in the book of Exodus, not Ezekiel and no man can reproduce said manna.
The Promise
“Every bite of this heavenly cake you’ll feel empowered and encouraged to move into all God has for you.”
- Based on the claims from the video, Miracle Manna is cake from heaven that empowers you to do God’s will. Also note that the Holy Spirit instructed Popoff and team to misspell the word “empowered,” which should now be corrected in the dictionary as “empowerd.”
- According to the testimony from fake people in the video, it also causes people to write large checks to you for reasons unknown.
- All your dreams will come true.
The Ridiculous
I don’t know if anyone else picked up on this but Miracle Manna and Miracle Spring Water do the same thing….and Peter Popoff has a monopoly on whole business of Miracle products. Apparently he does not utilize the amazing power of the prayer cloths but from what I can see, he doesn’t need them.
Televangelists are class-A crooks. Its not new information. We all know it. But when desperation gets intense people will try anything. If I recall this correctly, the Bible never said that you needed to by something from a “prophet” on TV to receive a miracle. If you really need God to do something in your life, just ask him. And of course never forget that God first calls you to serve HIM, not the other way around. Also remember that God helps those who helps themselves (yes I know this is not really in the Bible). If you want money…..go get a job.
Tell you what. If through the prayers I get rich, then I’ll gladly give the $1000 seed. How’s that for ya?
sad to say, you won’t know you’ve been suckered until AFTER you’ve send your $1000 seed and gotten nothing in return.
i don’t care
I encountered this guy evang Paulinus Paul 17-year-old Nigerian scammer going around pulling sewing seed scam on people and if you don’t do it he decides to threaten you he wants you to believe he works for God he does not he’s a scam artist only interested in scamming you out of all your money. My Google account he said he didn’t ask for money on one of his messages he mentioned the word money so he will lie to you make you think he didn’t ask you to send money to him. He needs to be in prison right now that’s where he belongs. His Google account needs to be reported and he needs to be reported to the Nigerian police.
all wealthy greedy wolf preachers scam & fraud related liars & a thief.all devils false prophets being millionaires plus.they don’t love jesus & God they dom’t obey they’re deceivers moneychangers,they will lie & deny like a devil from the deepest pit of hell
someone is tryiing to think of ways to swear without swearing
………so many leeches, liars, preying upon the downtrodden. mike muddrock. perv jim bakker, todd coonsz, and their ilk are claiming they have a direct conduit to god.
If hell exists these chuds win be there
Walgreens pharmacy CVS pharmacy Walmart Pharmacy own Walmart store Dr Harry George Darby Jr PHD MD FACP Rx
when I watch these con men it reminds me that vaudeville is not dead
did you ever call the tct network or the 700 club?
Can’t say I have
I believe in God but not organized religion !
There is a lot of shameful things happening in organized religion
If giving your $1000 dollar “Vow of faith”….”Seed money” is what it takes to “Be Rich” and receive “”Dollars from heaven” Why is it these scammer televangelists aren’t doing the same ? Why is it their riches don’t come from God but rather poor misinformed Christians on the wrong side of the TV screen ?
I believe the Lord has a special place in Heaven reserved for these false prophets….a waiting room for Hell.
Well said.
My current favorites are “Dr’s” Jack and Rexella Van Impe. OMG a classic huckster from yesteryear. And whats up with Rexella a nd her 80 year old self? She looks like a stepford wife. These 2 are great entertainment after the peace pipe is passed around. Frankly, I find all these people phonies and if there is a hell, they are first in line.
Yup! These fakes are not going to be happy in the afterlife
It’s pretty easy to see what in their heart. $$$
I imagine easier for some to see than others.
Hello My friend with Dystonia. I grew up Roman Catholic. If you are like me, you hate deceivers. Especially those who claim to be Of GOD but are Wolves in Sheep’s clothing.
Have you read the Book or the Gospel of John? In John 20:31 the Apostle John tells us the intent of his book.
” these are written so that you may xbelieve that Jesus is the Christ, ythe Son of God, and that by believing zyou may have life ain his name.”
If you read or have read it you will see that it is through Believing in Christ alone that Eternal Life is received.
However there is a church organization that teaches the exact opposite.
In the Council of Trent it is written:
” If any one saith, that by faith alone the impious is justified; … let him be anathema. ”
(You should read it yourself at:
So the Bible says Salvation is through Repentant Faith Alone in Christ.
But the Roman Catholic Church says if you believe that you are damned!
It’s no wonder that the preacher you mentioned believes that the Roman Catholic “church”is the harlot of Babylon. It is leading it’s nearly 2 billion followers in a False Gospel. One that teaches the exact opposite of what the Bible teaches.
You should study this for yourself my friend.
Go to a Catholic priest and ask him, “What must I do to be saved?”
See how that compares to Acts 16:29-34
I had 14 years of Catholic education. I am aware that some Catholics emphasize works AND faith. This is not against Biblical teaching as James and John both talk on this subject with clarity. It’s not that works is required to be saved. But works is the “evidence”that one is saved.
If you read the catechism you will also notice that the Catholic Church’s official position on salvation does not include works.
Direct quotation “2005 Since it belongs to the supernatural order, grace escapes our experienceand cannot be known except by faith. We cannot therefore rely on our feelings or our works to conclude that we are justified and saved”
Very true. Never judge people until you see what is in their heart
There is an evangilist in Texas who calls the catholic church, “the great whore.” That is hateful to me. The one I remember the most is the one who claimed a guy was told by God to give him an expenive sports car with a $1,000 seed and he claimed he did. Don’t follow any of these, they are truly false profits. Follow those who promote love.
How is it legal for these so called “Miracle Workers” to get away with these scams?
I think because I’m the USA just about anything can be done in the name of religion…. Even invading Iraq because TBN convinced you that somewhere in the east Gog and Megog are looming. Looking at you George W Bush…………..
Gog and Megog are Russia.
Compelling argument.
LOL ur right
i actually don’t know, but you seem like a college student
What ever happened to screeching Kerney Thomas? I used to get a kick out of his “comedy hour” on TV whenever I needed a major laugh fest. Now it seems the old coot no longer has a website anymore. Did justice finally prevail and put the goon in the clink?! SAAAA-CAH-BAA-TAH-CO-BY… GAAAAAAAWD!
It’s my understanding that he pastors at “ABUNDANT
LIFE INTERNATIONAL CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST” …. At least that’s what his Facebook page says. He also does conferences with fake doctor’s and people who regularly refer to themselves as apostles and prophets. Same old scams.
there was a man who came around n.c. the late 80’s to mid 90’s who was from fla tall blonde man with 10 kids at that time he was a pentacostal preacher anyone remember his name? i do believe he sold healing water it wasent leroy jenkins????????
Leeeeroooy! He was something else!
it is a god because the world is too perfect and karma is real even scientist believe in it and they also believe in a god the world is so complex beyond our understanding
Makes me wish I was never born. We are slaves to our ignorance in this life and then a slave to a god that put us in a position to be slaves to our ignorance because he is the only one who knows everything. Hey God have you ever wondered how it feels to be in the unknown.??? …. probably not! It’s pretty scary thinking everyone is a false prophet or you are in charge of your family’s salvation
I guess I can believe god lets people get away with this in heaven and in earth. Makes me question his goodness knowing that this stuff makes us question his validity
CANT believe
I’m sure some of this manna and things actually helped people!!!! It gave them hope by eating this stupid shit. I am happy it did. But these same people would probably eat your child for dinner to make sure their child ate that night.
If you can’t tell I am feed up with gods free will and the outcomes it has on people that want to be decent. Makes me feel like the minute I commit my life to Christ the minute I have to respond to this stuff
And yes I know it is my freewill to feel this way… but I also know the way it feels to think about the mess god left us in if this is true. It’s like a tool for evil as much as it is good
puhleeze stop replying to ur own posts Brandon
Not sure I follow your logic Brandon…
My family member says Jesus Christ healed for free. It’s true. The people just asked him.
I don’t recall a time that Jesus charge anyone money for a healing.
I think . . . that God sees the heart of the giver as well as the receiver. However, anyone who gives to God knows for a fact that they WILL prosper. I don’t know how it works, but it does it does it does. God also says that these false teachers will be judged more harshly; and, if I were them, I would be shaking in my boots.
Just to play the Devil’s advocate for a sec, why are so many Christian’s poor? I’ve seen them in America, Nicaragua, Mexico, etc. Surely they cannot all be stiffing the tithe….
Then why did your bearded man in the sky allow these televangelists, with their billions of dollars and millions of braindead followers, become big in the first place?
I don’t believe that God goes around patrolling things. The whole “everything happens for a reason” bit is not very sound. Evil people and evil things happen in this world. This is just one of the many.
I believe Satan is working every avenue to keep people from their savior Jesus Christ. God wants more of us, and Satan wants to stop him from getting us. That is the way Satan works. He is the evil in this world, not God. This behavior turns people off, including myself. However, in 2 Peter 2:3 New Living Translation (NLT):
“3 In their greed they will make up clever lies to get hold of your money. But God condemned them long ago, and their destruction will not be delayed.”
Read all of chapter 2. You can just google it. It is really pretty interesting.
It’s kinda like being a drug addict. Everything is fun, no problems, but eventually it leads to death. Could take years, but destruction is inevitable. You may not see them at this moment in time paying for their evil deeds, but it is coming. One thing about the Bible, you can always trust it. I have just experienced, as countless others have, that when I donate, other expenses like car bills, vet bills, hospital bills, etc. seem to be less. In fact, money from nowhere shows up sometimes. It is quite mysterious, but true. Happens to everybody. I think God rewards us for our faith in him to take care of us. Sometimes we can have a tendency to think we can do it all on our own. We truly need God to help us. He has gotten me this far to 60 years old with many people trying to destroy me (including myself trying to destroy me). They can’t because he knows I love him and am devoted to him. Money is not everything. Don’t be envious of these millionaire crooks. I would much rather be poor me than any one of them. Eternity is a whole lot longer than our short lifespans. I hope this explanation helps you. I have really pondered the same things in the past.
Jesus Christ warned about the false teachers and false prophets. He called them ” wolves in sheep’s clothing.”. He said not to follow them.
God allows them because they were given free will to follow Jesus and God or not.
Who is not a false prophet??!! Type in any denomination or preacher on google and they will tell you why such and such is a false prophet and there will be some reason biblical of why he or she is
I think… I think… I think…
brandon needs therapy
I’m still disgustingly laughing at the one (demonic Merdock I think) that tells you if you use your credit card to give him money, that you’ll become credit card debt free. Makes me want to puke.
I would like to think that God will deal with them harshly, but that's just the Jonah coming out in me.
Pxychic vampires, leech their personal energy and their financial energy and see what happens to them.
People preach lots of nonsense to get your money. And the amazing thing is, God lets them get away with it, for now.
"When you see leaders of My people falling dead, you won't rejoice, and you won't stop My hand." Satan, take them.
These crooks,,, I will sell them to the devil. I promise you I will.
Like St. Matthew's seed faith. Real psychics. Maybe prophets. Definitely want you money. They certainly want a 'profit'. "Born in sin, come on in."
"Give us 1000 dollars and God will heal you".
Hand them a t bill. "Take an I O U ?
If you want to plant a seed, try charity. ‘Feed the Children’ is a great place to start.
I agree. Let’s stop giving our money to the rich and start feeding the hungry. I think that different giving methods demonstrate two very different motives for giving.
I know! I think instead much of the seed money are going to the preachers’ mansions, cars, and one had a fleet of airplanes.
I'm familiar with some of these scam artists; however as far as one needing money, many are working, but cost of living exceeds income – some even work at more than
one job. ALSO, a number of people can't get jobs – some even with skills as more
people able to do a certain job than jobs available.
I called the Christian TV networks that broadcast his “shows” and and voiced my concerns about his promises. Each network’s answer was in a word “so what”. Wow. Is this scam that wide spread that money is more important that minstry truth.
All churches and charities need money to opporate, but many televangelists such as Peter Poppoff are con artists who distort the Bible for their own financial and mutual benefits. Saint Peter warned us about them in 2 Peter 2. Catholic and Orthodox clerics take vows of poverty; yet they do not ask for money through the use of gimmicks.
Interesting these infomercials are on late at night when people are half awake or half asleep. Then you wake up in the morning to find out your back account is overdrawn because you planted a 1,000 seed, OUCH. I hope people wake up and see the deceit.
actually, it's kind of fun watch these crooks since it's really a comedy show!
I don’t in the least feel sorry for these gullible people who are being scammed. There is a difference between a victim and a volunteer. These blind ignorant sheep are participants therefore volunteers who are enabling these scum bags to get rich off of selling the gospel for a dollar. They and the scam artist deserve each other.
My mom falls for this crap.
Give your mom scriptures like the one where Jesus said on his cross, PAID in full, not pay in full. Give her Romans 8:32 how God and Jesus FREELY GIVES US ALL THINGS.
And tell your Mom to go to a bible study and go to a right church.
Such blatant criminals, ripping off those who can least afford to give up their cash. Why do we allow these con artists to ply their trade? Why do we as a nation allow such activity that we know is wrong and criminal. Guys like Tilton, Popoff and others have been proven frauds, been busted and revealed as lying, thieving, crooks, yet despite that, here they are continuing their activities to obtain their ill gotten gain. I guess as long as some people believe in their nonsense there will be a demand for these charlatans. Sad that so many do believe in these disgusting criminals and have no problem parting with their money and giving it to a tv evangelist in hope of a huge cash return or other miracle. Popoff and his “divine transfer” gimmick where money just suddenly appears in your bank account is so absolutely ridiculous you have to wonder how stupid somebody could be to believe such crap.
Why so much outrage for these volunteers? Learn the difference between a victim and a volunteer. If they were not so religious these same folk would be paying money to Psychic hotlines and wanting someone to tell them how to get rich quick.
Here is the common sense way to get wealth: Pray for God to show you what your gift is then work hard using your God-given skills, don’t rack up credit cards and don’t live above your means and by all means save and try to invest then some of your market in a good mutual fund! ……But that is too much like commonsense!
Correction: Try to invest in a mutual fund on and not just go out and spend every dollar you have.
Why so much outrage for these volunteers? Learn the difference between a victim and a volunteer. If they were not so religious these same folk would be paying money to Psychic hotlines and wanting someone to tell them how to get rich quick.
Here is the common sense way to get wealth: Pray for God to show you what your gift is then work hard using your God-given skills, don’t rack up credit cards and don’t live above your means and by all means save and try to invest then some of your earnings in a good mutual fund! ……But that is too much like right and commonsense!
this really makes me sick!
It is hard not to be disgusted but I’m learning not to pity volunteers of spiritual abuse!
And where in the Bible does it say that God helps those who help themselves?
It does not appear in the Bible…..but no one said it did either. I suppose you could use a number of passages to say that the Bible infers it.
Jesus and Paul both tell people that they need to work. Proverbs are pretty serious about lazy people and is just an over all common sense thing, that God has little desire to promote lazy people.
If you require a deeper answer than that then I’m sure we could take the time to discuss the topic thoroughly.
A person suffering a job loss may not always be lazy. Try not to stereotype all of those who go threw a financial misfortune
Is it just me, or does the green cloth guy look like a leprechaun?
It’s not just you….I am pretty sure he is looking for a pot of gold….or at least a check large enough to buy some gold ;)
lol. Jesus Christ died for your sins, was raised from the dead, and resurrected from heaven. I think many televangelists don’t represent Him.