Biblical Archaeology: Exploring The Dead Sea Scrolls (4Q246 Apocryphon of Daniel)

4Q246 –  4Q Apocryphon of Daniel

What is the Apocryphon of Daniel (4Q246)? The Apocryphon of Daniel is a textual fragment that was found in cave #4 of the Dead Sea (or Judean desert) caves. It is commonly referred to as the “Son of God document”, “Aramaic Apocalypse”, or “Pseudo-Daniel.” It was written in Aramaic and is believed to have been written … Read more

Biblical Archaeology: Exploring The Dead Sea Scrolls (Deuteronomy 4Q41 – 4Q)


What is Deuteronomy 4Q41 – 4Q? 4Q41 or 4Q is a section of Deuteronomy that also goes by the title “All Souls Deuteronomy“. The scroll was discovered in cave #4 in Qumran, which was previously discussed in our discussion on PaeloGenesis-Exodus. It was discovered in 1952 but it was sold on the black market for a large sum … Read more

Biblical Archaeology: Exploring The Dead Sea Scrolls (Paleo Leviticus)

11Q1 Paleo Leviticus

What is 11Q1 –  11Q Paleo Leviticus? Paleo Leviticus is a collection of fragments and an awe inspiring scroll portion that have been preserved from the First Temple period (c. 1000 to 586 B.C.E.) This is the same era as the PaleoGenesis fragments (4Q11 –  4Q).  The Paleo Leviticus collection is written in Paleo-Hebrew which is an older … Read more

Biblical Archaeology: Exploring The Dead Sea Scrolls (Paleo Genesis – Exodus)

Dead Sea Scrolls Plate 402 B-496254 Header

This is now the second series created on biblical archaeology. This series will be specifically discussing the texts of the dead sea scrolls. Our previous series was primarily comparing the Bible to ancient Akkadian and Babylonians records. You can view those with the links below. Where Archaeology Meets The Bible: Neo Babylonian Period [626 – … Read more