Who Was Ishtar and What is Her Connection to Easter?

Old-Babylonian Plaque of Ishtar

By now, many people are aware that Ishtar has nothing to do with Easter. However, there are still a number of Bible teachers, such as Chick.com and LastTrumpetMinistries who preach that Easter is derived from the cult of Ishtar. Is there a reason for this myth? What about the Easter symbols, like bunnies and eggs? … Read more

Who is Ishtar in the Bible? [A Comprehensive Study]

Representation of the goddess Ishtar

Who Ishtar is NOT! In Christian circles it is believed that Easter was named after Ishtar and that the celebration with bunnies and eggs is all about the cult worship of her as a fertility goddess. However, this is false. Ishtar has nothing to do with bunnies or eggs. To read more on this issue … Read more