Umpqua (UCC) Shooter Singled Out Christians: “You are about to see your God.”


As information comes out about the shooting from the survivors it seems as though this attack was targeted at a specific demographic. One victim, Anastasia Boylan, who survived by playing dead from being shot, reported that the gunman asked the Christian’s to stand up.

When he entered the room he () shot the teacher in point blank range while saying “I’ve always wanted to do this.” He then ordered the Christians to stand up (because they all hit the floor) and when they did he said

“Good, because you’re a Christian, you’re going to see God in just about one second.”

He then shot and killed them.

In all, the massacre on the Umpqua campus Thursday, left nine people dead and seven wounded. The gunman also died, although it’s unclear whether he was shot by police or whether he shot himself.


Please pray for the family of the victims of Umpqua!



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