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- Create Date October 18, 2021
- Last Updated October 18, 2021
(PDF) Har-Moad - The Mountain of the Assembly - A Series of Archeological Studies, Chiefly From the Stand-point of the Cuneiform Inscriptions
Author: Rev. Orlando Dana Miller, D.D.
Har-Moad - The Mountain of the Assembly is an early work in the field of Ancient Near East archaeology. This book specifically focuses on the concept of God and his physical existence on the earth according to Bible the and ancient inscriptions from the land of Israel and its neighbors. The main focus of the book is on the mountain of assembly, the dwelling place of God.
Since the dating of this publication many new texts from the Levant have been discovered that shed light on the ancient form of Israelite religion. Not notable are the tablets from Ugarit which describes in greater detail such biblical figures as El(Elohim), Baal, Anat, Asherah, and even Lothan (Leviathan). For a gentle introduction to the modern study of the mountain assembly of God I recommend reading The Unseen Realm, by Dr. Micahel Heiser.