Fake News: No One is Making a Gay Jesus Movie (Corpus Christi)

Fake News Alert

Today I was surprised to find a message in my Facebook messenger inbox. The surprise wasn’t just that someone still uses facebook messenger as a real means of communication but that it was a chain letter declaring that a new movie, to be released this summer, would depict Jesus and his disciples as gay lovers.

I love a discussion piece as much as the next guy, but I was a little more than skeptical that such a movie would exist without any kind of formal press-release. Had this been a real movie coming this summer, there would be a trailer by now or at least some form of public announcement. Since this would be a controversial movie, there is no doubt that the news (had it been real) would have already been circulated by all the major news outlets, especially Fox news. However, no such news existed. On top of that, it seemed a bit outlandish. Lastly, facebook forwards don’t have a long-running reputation as being authentic pieces of information. The forward can be read below.

The movie “Corpus Christi “is due to be released this June to August. It is a disgusting film set to appear in America later this year which depicts Jesus and his disciples as homosexuals! As a play, this has already been in theaters for a while. It’s called “Corpus Christi” which means “The Body of Christ”. It’s a revolting mockery of our Lord.

But we Christians can make a difference. That’s why I am sending this e-mail to you. If you do send this around, we just might be able to prevent this film from being shown in Australia, Canada and America etc. Let’s stand for what we believe and stop the mockery of Jesus Christ our Savior. Where do we stand as Christians? I am forwarding this to all I think will respect and appreciate being informed. Please help us prevent such offenses against our Lord.

There is no petition to sign, no time limit, or minimum number of people to send this to. It will take you less than 2 minutes! If you are not interested and do not have the 2 minutes it will take to do this, please don’t complain if God does not seem to have time for you. Imagine what would happen if this film were depicting Mohammad in the same way…the Islamic world would be in flames!!. Apparently, some regions in Europe have already successfully banned the film. All we need is a lot of prayer and a lot of E-mails. JUST GET THE WORD OUT!….Will God be able to find at least 50 righteous people who are willing to express their concern and voice their opinion against this act of blasphemy? -forwarded

Alas, I was forced to lookup the name of the movie and I discovered that no such movie was going to be produced. Moreover, this movie (based on a play actually called “Corpus Christi”) had been rumored since 1985. Additionally, it was reported as fake new more than a dozen times or so since then. Apparently, this viral rumor is having trouble finding it’s death bed.

Here are various articles on the matter, dating years back that speak of the many reappearances of this mythical creature.

April 2000 – “Gay Jesus Film”, by snopes.com

May 2001 –Corpus Christi Movie Features a Gay Jesus”, by truthoffiction.com

2005 – “The Gay Jesus Movie -Hoax, or Fact?” by filmchat.com

2009 – “Corpus Christi – Gay Jesus Movie Hoax”, by hoax-slayer.com

December 2012 – “Gay Jesus’ Film Corpus Christi Sparks Complaints – Even Though It Doesn’t Exist”, by huffingtonpost.com

October 2014 – “16 Years of Protests Later, Terrence McNally’s Corpus Christi Lives On With New Film”, by playbill.com

May 2017 – “Does a movie due for release called “Corpus Christi” depict Jesus as gay?”, by thatsnonsense.com


A lot of people seem to be confused by a documentary about making the play Corpus Christi. This is not a movie version of the play. It is a documentary about the cast and crew of the stage performance and the aftermath. The documentary is detailed on IMDb.

Inspired by Terrence McNally’s Passion Play told through the lens of a young gay Jesus, Corpus Christi: Playing with Redemption follows a group of actors who began production on the play seven years ago in a small church. Within months they suddenly found themselves thrust in the world spotlight touring to international acclaim. The documentary follows the troupe and the playwright sharing their stories with supporters and protesters as they continue their tour across the world to communities where hate and bigotry are much more prevalent. Mirroring the reflections of dialogue in society today, especially in regards to civil rights, marriage equality, HIV/AIDS, and separation of church and state, this production has become a vehicle of change for a community struggling to find its voice. Meanwhile, the company of actors find themselves on a journey that would forever change their lives.  James Brandon & Nic Arnzen

It is important to read past the title on articles, posts, and even IMDb.

Be Truth Seekers

As Christians we must not merely claim that we have the truth because we believe in the word of God. When we claim to hold ultimate truth, yet we make fiery false claims that are easily disproved, we become laughing-stocks to the world. We must be more diligent in seeking the truth in all matters, more curious in knowing the truth, and more dedicated to that truth, than anyone around us.

If we are the light bearers to the dark world then we must do our homework and not pass along propaganda like this old rumor. It serves no purpose other than to fan the flames of discord between the Christians and the rest of society. When we don’t do our homework it’s the gospel message that gets hindered. How much more of a reason to be guardians of truth and not rumors.

50 thoughts on “Fake News: No One is Making a Gay Jesus Movie (Corpus Christi)”

  1. Actually, there is a film out in 2020 called “Corpus Christi” about a young criminal, released from prison that pretends to be a priest.
    Although it doesn’t seem to match the narrative, I still probably won’t watch it. It doesn’t seem truth based, and is a modern take on righteousness, lying, and such. Naa, I’m good.

  2. i just saw the new update,i will post it ,public,not privately. If anyone wants to attack my posting,i will just delete any notification about there opinion. I plan to be a warrior for God,and i don’t care who doesn’t like it! I will not attack any one’s belief,or sexual preference ,because God is the judge,but i will stand up to anyone who disrespects our Lord Jesus Christ.

  3. Today June 19th 2019 I just got the same message in Bahasa from. I’m very angry and search information regarding this matter.. thank you God there’s only Fake Massage / HOAKS

  4. Vickie, May the Lord Jesus Christ touch your eyes and restore your sight completely. May you be filled with the Holy Ghost annointing. Father God, I ask for Vickie’s healing and for Christians to pray for one another and to pray the prayer Jesus commanded in Matthew 24, Watch and pray ALWAYS, that you may be accounted worthy to escape the things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.” In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.

  5. @ Admin … THANK YOU!!! I teach this to my journalism students on a regular basis! Vet your sources. Seek the truth. ASK questions and dig deeper than surface, unsourced accusations! Again, thank you for this! Smilz, Charleen Earley

  6. What’s d difference play. Movie documentary, its disrespectful. Just as it would be if they do something similar regarding Islam or Judaism

    • The article isn’t a commentary on if they play is a bad idea. It’s calling out the blatant lie that Christians are spreading and it makes the whole community look bad when Christian behave this way.

  7. looking at trailers, commentaries, posts, it appears that the movie is indeed a documentary about the cast and the making of this play. The play depicts a gay jesus.
    It seems the movie is trying to open the dialogue about Christianity and biogotry in the church.

    there are many variations of “truth”. If Christianity is based on the Bible, then that must be our source for truth of Christ and his teachings; not man’s opinion, because we tend to filter concepts through our carnal minds!

  8. Vickie need Jesus now I am here for you praying ? I am cannot see of my eyes ? bind one ☝️ now for you praying ? healing my body and my eyes ? now am here for you praying for my eyes ? see


    • Yea, I’ve heard of the thorn theory. It’s a pretty silly one. However, I am not sure I believe we are in the end times. I’m not opposed to the idea but every generation believes they are the last generation. Even the early church fathers believed that they were living in the final days.

    • I would call the site whatever it titles itself and do the same for the movie. I am not sure what exactly you are referring to here…..

  10. Movie or documentary? Whats the difference? It still trys to show Christ as gay! And as christians we need to stand up against such blasphemy of our Lord!!!! Too many Christians would rather sit by and say thats just the way it is now and because we just take it the evil continues to grow!!!

    • The false claim was literally calling all Christians to boycott a movie that was soon to be released …. a movie that doesn’t exist. That is the point of the post. It was not a commentary on whether or not I thought the play was out of line.

      That being said, Christians cannot control how people behave. We do not live in the Holy Roman Empire. And boycotting a fake moving is not taking a stand against blasphemy……

  11. Zer no movie coming out but zer a stage play and casts since 1984 now zey hv documentary movie ur right gossiping a rumor is just send a invitation for z Gay’s to zer movies, sorry guys but homosexual is z most forrbiden and unblessed act if any homosexual people is reading zis am not judging u am try to tell u zat our lord and saviour Jesus Christ love u still he’s sad and disappointed on u guys but doesn’t hate so u hv time to pray for forgiveness and cleanse from zis wrong spirit I assure u my God, ur God z lord in z heaven will accept u just ask him for forgiveness pray don’t go to Sunday church or set a date to go read z Bible z true words of the Lord Jesus Christ I may not be homosexual but I was a sinner and forgive me and make me his son and loved me her died of me………it ain’t late z father in z heaven is waiting for u.

  12. Thank you for sending and commenting about the fake movie and I am encouraged to check things out before sending them ! Godbless you.

  13. Lisa-I too am a Christian & one that strives every day to be a “Better One”..I had heard this 3 years ago but unfortunately I went through a “Bad time with my Health”, having my Legs Amputated & while in Therapy I was Diagnosed with “End Stage Laryngeal & Voice Box Cancer”. I did not have any means of know what was going on with the World, much less the info about this Play & whether it still had plans for it to be turned into a movie. I had to go for Pre Admission Testing to have more Cancer Surgery but I failed the “Testing” because I had suffered a significant Heart Attack. I had my Larynx & Voice Box removed, so me “TYPING” is my “Only Means” to communicate, so Please excuse me me for using Face Book Messenger. I am “Tickled Pink” that This Movie is not going to be made, but before I am “critizied politely”, know why Messenger was used-Thank You Very Much

  14. I too am a Christian & one that strives every day to be a “Better One”..I had heard this 3 years ago but unfortunately I went through a “Bad time with my Health”, having my Legs Amputated & while in Therapy I was Diagnosed with “End Stage Laryngeal & Voice Box Cancer”. I did not have any means of know what was going on with the World, much less the info about this Play & whether it still had plans for it to be turned into a movie. I had to go for Pre Admission Testing to have more Cancer Surgery but I failed the “Testing” because I had suffered a significant Heart Attack. I had my Larynx & Voice Box removed, so me “TYPING” is my “Only Means” to communicate, so Please excuse me me for using Face Book Messenger. I am “Tickled Pink” that This Movie is not going to be made, but before I am “critizied politely”, know why Messenger was used-Thank You Very Much

  15. ‘God so love the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life’ , Will you believe Him before it is too late for you because after death there is no repentance,

    • Not even close. The Venezuelan film titled Corpus Christi was released in 2014 and it’s not about Jesus whatsoever. It is a murder mystery drama. Whether or not the movie is slightly disrespectful to Christianity is irrelevant since the rumor was quite specifically about a movie about the life of a gay Jesus.

  16. Thank you sir/brother in christ for yours clarifications regarding the fake news and making us realise to be truth and to find the truth instead of spreading this kind of propaganda , which is the worst thing that we who believes in true god, can do …. God bless u …?

  17. Sir, you did the right thing regarding spreading the truth about this hoax. And I completely agree, before spreading information we obtain through others (some might be our friends) that do not verify the authenticity of the news before propagating it. Our responsibility regarding spreading information is to always spread the truth. And when in doubt of the veracity of the information, then we MUST do our homework. Well said in your closing comments. God Bless!

  18. Thanks for the clarification re this Facebook post and for your humility in your response re your “snarkiness”. God bless and continue to use you to share truth.

  19. Well you may be right about upcoming film release but you didn’t investigate very well to talk as much as you did. If you took the time to look at Wikipedia you would have found a 2011 film released in Atlanta Film Festival Corpus Christi and also several plays mentioned

    • I did look and it’s not a movie about gay Jesus. It’s a documentary about the play called Corpus Christi. But this fake news was about an up coming movie version of the play which does not exist.

      • Did you bother to read the description of this documentary? It is NOT a movie version of the play.

        “Inspired by Terrence McNally’s Passion Play told through the lens of a young gay Jesus, Corpus Christi: Playing with Redemption follows a group of actors who began production on the play seven years ago in a small church. Within months they suddenly found themselves thrust in the world spotlight touring to international acclaim. The documentary follows the troupe and the playwright sharing their stories with supporters and protesters as they continue their tour across the world to communities where hate and bigotry are much more prevalent. Mirroring the reflections of dialogue in society today, especially in regards to civil rights, marriage equality, HIV/AIDS, and separation of church and state, this production has become a vehicle of change for a community struggling to find its voice. Meanwhile, the company of actors find themselves on a journey that would forever change their lives.”

  20. I appreciate your response to this viral false story, and was disappointed to see that the only two comments here seem defensive and critical. Your kind and thoughtful responses are a testimony to your spirit. :) Having nieces and nephews that roll their eyes at fb messenger and are immersed in Instagram and SnapChat, I understood your humor — but with or without that bit of dry humor, I’d have appreciated your message that dispels the misinformation of this viral story, and most importantly, the message of your closing paragraphs. I stumbled upon your posting because I received this same viral message today in my fb messenger from a Christian friend. I immediately did a quick google for authenticity of the story, then informed her of the false message and asked her to please inform anyone with whom she’d shared the message. She noted that she didn’t check its authenticity because she’d received it from a trusted Christian friend — I asked her to share your article with her friends and others she’d already forwarded to because I was so impressed with your thoughtful presentation of the facts and your emphasis to be Truth Seekers. For those who were somehow offended by your blog post here, I urge them to put aside their feelings of angst and to re-read your closing. I may quote you on this sometime ;) It is not OK as Christians to simply share a story because (if its true) it will be damaging. With minimal effort in this information age, we can be Truth Seekers you encourage us to be (and I’ll quote you for the first time ….)
    “As Christians we must not merely claim that we have the truth because we believe in the word of God. When we claim to hold ultimate truth, yet we make fiery false claims that are easily disproved, we become laughing-stocks to the world. We must be more diligent in seeking the truth in all matter, more curious is knowing the truth, and more dedicated to that truth, than anyone around us.

    If we are the light bearers to the dark world then we must do our homework and not pass along propaganda like this old rumor. It serves no purpose other than to fan the flames of discord between the Christians and the rest of society. When we don’t do our homework then it’s the gospel message that gets hindered. How much more of a reason to be guardians of truth and not rumors.”

  21. When I recieved this I passed it on because of the drastic effects it could have in this world if it was really true as I truly believed it being possibilie of the eneny convincing someone to to do that
    because of the other hedious things that the enemy has come up with in trying to cause people to disbelieve in ‘Jesus Christ as the true son of God Almighty and the only way to heaven.

    • People have been slandering Christ for 2000 years. I wouldn’t worry too much about about a dumb movie that no-one will remember 10 years from now. People have tried in the past to convince people that he was married or gay in the 70’s and 80’s and it never got any traction. People are smart enough to know that Jesus was neither of those things.

      Just my 2 cents…..

  22. Absolutely love the general theme of Truth and cool memes on this site and subscribe to the emails.

    BUT when I read this article in my email this morning, I was pretty disappointed and saddened by the whiff of some arrogance and so the message that should have been a great one and being sent out into the world to make a positive impact for the Kingdom… well, it smells.
    Right off the bat, the comment,
    “The surprise wasn’t just that someone actually still uses facebook messenger as a real means of communication”
    is there. I was going to ignore it, but then I thought of some of the times when I got a bit too big for my britches and a bit too snarky or prideful in how I delivered a Word, preached or wrote an article- the Lord was not happy. He revealed my heart to me. It was awful. I repented.

    The voice and tone of your words reveal your heart. This comment in the article above is Condescending. Snarky. Prideful.

    Consider your words when you speak to the world and God’s people. We represent Him.

    • First, thanks for being a subscriber and I am sorry for letting you down.

      While I appreciate your concern, and I agree with your main point, please keep in mind this site has a long standing precedent of using tongue-in-cheek comments about social & tech trends. I am a programmer and a youth pastor. It’s practically my job to make jokes about facebook and how it’s used more for nonsense than for anything real.

      When I was a teenager we joked about our grandmothers sending us chain letters constantly in our email, even though we had already moved onto other forms of communication. Now kids joke about the same things but with grandmothers on facebook. It’s not arrogance it’s just how technology works in our fast-moving technology world.

      To be fair, I am reaching the age where even I don’t keep up with all the new trends. For example, I refuse to get a snapchat account. Eventually I will be the old grandparent sending unwanted messages to my nieces and nephews. By then I will have a snapchat account to do it with and they will have moved on.

      That being said, my snarkiness HAS gotten in the way before and I will try to keep it in check. Your warning is not falling on deaf ears.


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