Why Did The Israelites Worship A Calf At Mount Sinai?

British Museum Copper Bull

The Events Many Christians have grown up hearing about the Exodus story and it’s many sub-narratives. Some of the sub-narratives, such as the sea crossing and the calf incident are so well-known that even people outside the Abrahamic faiths are familiar with the events. When I was a child and I learned the calf-worship episode, … Read more

Deciphering the Subtext in The Cain and Abel Story

Cain killing Abel is a painting by Unknown 19th century

Many Christians have pored over even the slightest details in the Cain and Abel story trying to discern the meaning of the more confusing parts of the narrative. One of the most confusing parts is the fact that the narrative highlights that one brother was a farmer and one was a shepherd. Moreover, for seemingly … Read more

Does the Bible Support a Flat Earth?

Babylonian Flat Earth map

  Flat Earth Bible Verses With Notes It might be hard to tell by just reading a few isolated Bible passages but the cosmological view was that the earth was surrounded by water on all sides and that the boundaries of the habitable zone was the ground and the firmament. Springs in the ground and … Read more

Do Leviticus 11:6 & Deuteronomy 14:7 Contain A Factual Error About Rabbits Chewing Cud?

The Black Hare

About Leviticus 11:5-6 & Deuteronomy 14:7 A number of biblical inerrantists have attempted to address the matter of rabbits chewing cud but I have never really found their answers to be satisfactory. It seems that most of the apologetics professionals around the web are basically regurgitating the same theories (bad pun intended). Nevertheless, let us … Read more

Taking The Lord’s Name In Vain Is Not What You Think!

the 10 commandments

TLDR Video Summary When I was a kid in Catholic school we were taught all about different types of sins. We learned the big 10 sins that are listed in the 10 commandments; although, technically there are more than 10. We learned the 7 deadly sins, which oddly enough, are not really in the Bible. … Read more

Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 Are Not about Satan

Mountain range in Czech

Once upon a time I set out to figure out what the Old Testament had to say about Satan. It turns out that it does not say very much. However, it has a lot to say about the fallen angels and the council of gods, which we will see below. Moreover, some verses that people … Read more