Daily Bible Reading Devotional – August 9th, 2016

Scripture Reading(s)

Psalm 112

112:1 Praise the LORD! Happy are those who fear the LORD, who greatly delight in his commandments.

112:2 Their descendants will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed.

112:3 Wealth and riches are in their houses, and their righteousness endures forever.

112:4 They rise in the darkness as a light for the upright; they are gracious, merciful, and righteous.

112:5 It is well with those who deal generously and lend, who conduct their affairs with justice.

112:6 For the righteous will never be moved; they will be remembered forever.

112:7 They are not afraid of evil tidings; their hearts are firm, secure in the LORD.

112:8 Their hearts are steady, they will not be afraid; in the end they will look in triumph on their foes.

112:9 They have distributed freely, they have given to the poor; their righteousness endures forever; their horn is exalted in honor.

112:10 The wicked see it and are angry; they gnash their teeth and melt away; the desire of the wicked comes to nothing.


Lydia.jpgI love how the opening of this Psalm speaks of joy and victory in living righteous lives for Christ. The Christian life is to be characterized by an overwhelming excitement to live for God and Glorify Him in our thoughts, actions, and attitudes. We live in a world in which we are constantly bombarded with trying to find joy in other things then Christ. There is the message that if we choose to live for ourselves and the things of this world then that will bring us true satisfaction.

This Psalm speaks to the truth that Christ is all sufficient to meet our needs. Those who pursue righteous living experience God’s hand at work in their lives in ways that they could never imagine. Furthermore, those who pursue righteousness with a joyful heart, are never moved when faced with hard times.

If we choose to base our joy on Christ rather then the changing of life’s circumstances, we are able to as it says in verse 7 not be afraid and our hearts stand firm and secure in Christ. He is the one that gives us our reason for joy. With our security found in Christ, there is nothing that can shake us.

Let us actively pursue finding Joy in what Christ has done for us and let us never loose sight of the one who provides, loves and cares for us each and every moment of our lives.

Justin-Holmes1.jpgTheir hearts are steady, they will not be afraid; in the end they will look in triumph on their foes. They have distributed freely, they have given to the poor; their righteousness endures forever. (Psalm 112:8-9)

It might seem odd to speak of the security found in the Lord with the giving freely to the poor. What do these have in common that would be worthy of including in Psalm 112? I would suggest that one who is truly at peace and understands the security of the Lord is one who does not worry about his or her own welfare. They know that God will provide. It is the faith-less individual who hordes all things to themselves, fearing that at any moment they could lose it.

True faith produces visible fruit. Can you say that your life is a representation of God’s security and peace? Or are you relying solely on yourself? Do you trust that God is going to take care of you or do you feel like your life is out of control? Have faith that God will preserve you and provide for you. Have courage to care for others even if it might be fearful for your own self.

You, Lord, will keep the needy safe
    and will protect us forever from the wicked (Psalm 112:7)

[Featured image from christianglobe.com]

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