Christian Pro Wrestling
A church in Martin’s Ferry Ohio has begun to take the sacrifice of body and blood seriously, by starting a Christian professional wrestling organization.

The First United Methodist church has begun wrestling under the banner of Rugged Cross Championship Wrestling (RCCW). As you might have imagined, this is not an attempt to get some guys in the ring with other pro wrestlers like John Cena or the retired Rick Flair. No, not even Disco Inferno!

The organization is focusing on an evangelistic message rather than the profane messages put out but the other professional wrestling organizations. I am not sure how to infuse pile drivers and fake chest smacks with the loving gospel of Jesus Christ, but I know anything is possible through Christ.

The Facts and Info (temporary web site link)
Their first debut was August 5th and you can watch some of the raw footage of “First Genesis” directly below. However, I should warn that the video “may” have adult language and behavior. Don’t question it….its a witnessing tactic I am sure!
As you can see, the action is not much different than WWE, WWF, WCW, or any other W organization that is involved in wrestling. However, this would be the B-Class professional wrestling version. Kind of like the Muppets doing a modern version of The Amityville Horror. You are not quite sure what the chaos is that is unfolding before your eyes but for some reason you just can’t look away.
The next debut is going to be August 19th, and I would arrive expecting to be razzle-dazzled by a fantastic display of rippling pectorals and bad acting for Jesus!! Honestly, I don’t know how long the drive is from where I live but I fully plan on attending a show.
We have been updated by one of the fine gentlemen involved in the wrestling, concerning the next show. Here is the update…..
“Our next event is in sept on the 7th at the brooke country fair bell time is still to be announced its 140 Gist Drive
Wellsburg, WV so hope all is well and god bless.”
For more information be sure to check their facebook page, linked above.
Jokes Aside (rare moment)
I like to poke fun….hence the reason my blog is mostly satire. So remember this moment. I am going to break character for just a minute and tell you that this is actually pretty balls to the wall awesome. You should go see a show if you can and support this program.
RCCW ended its partnership with the company providing the ring but we are re-launching very soon!!!! More info to come!!!!
September 7th, who wants to go? Lets get a caravan. Youth trip?
What and honor getting an RCCW/BDW guy on my blog!! Thanks for viewing.
And BIG thanks for the update! I will update the post to reflect these changes!!
Keep keeping on. Hope my sarcasm has not offended you :)
I am part of rccw/bdw i help set up the ring, announce, and i help do camera work some of the guys that i’ve seen here is good they are a great bunch of guys to work with i have nothing bad to say about anyone who step through those ropes when we have events but sadly at the moment rccw will not be going oon the 19th due to some conflicts in the church we have lost the arena but dont worry we are currently looking for a new place to have our bi weekly events for now but bdw still is going on a monthly show for now and our next event is in sept on the 7th at the brooke country fair bell time is still to be announced its 140 Gist Drive
Wellsburg, WV so hope all is well and god bless
I want in !!!