Why Exactly Was Lot’s Wife Turned Into Salt?

Pillar of Salt

In Genesis 19:26 we read that during the destruction of Sodom, Lot’s wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt. Many have questioned why such a gruesome fate befell her for having committed such a small crime. However, I believe there is 1 theory that can explain her demise without resorting to … Read more

What Is The Mourning Of Tammuz In Ezekiel 8:14?

The Passage 14 Then he brought me to the entrance of the north gate of the house of the Lord, and I saw women sitting there, mourning the god Tammuz. 15 He said to me, “Do you see this, son of man? You will see things that are even more detestable than this.” (Ezekiel 8:14) … Read more

Eve Wasn’t The Name Of Adam’s Wife

There are a lot of questions raised about the early chapters of the Bible, however, few question the names of the very first couple. It seems to be common knowledge that Adam’s wife was named Eve. Nevertheless, sometimes common knowledge is inaccurate knowledge. This certainly seems to be the case with the first created woman. … Read more

Who Are The Imprisoned Spirits That Jesus Preached To After His Death?

Christ Descends to Hell.jpg

Human Spirits or Spirits of the Fallen Angels? According to Christian tradition, after his death and before his resurrection, Jesus descended into the realm of the dead, often referred to as “Sheol” or “Hades.” It is believed that during this time, Jesus preached to the spirits who were imprisoned there. The concept of Jesus preaching … Read more

Who Was Melchizedek and What Does He Have To Do With Jesus?

Who Was Melchizedek and What Does He Have To Do With Jesus

The name “Melchizedek” (מַלְכִּי־צֶדֶק‎) is derived from two Hebrew words: “malki” (מַלְכִּי), meaning “my king,” and “zedek” (צֶדֶק), meaning “righteousness” or “justice.” Therefore, the name Melchizedek can be understood to mean “my king is righteousness” or “king of righteousness.” The name Melchizedek holds significant theological and symbolic importance, representing righteousness, kingship, and priesthood. Its meaning … Read more

What Did Ham Do To Noah Inside The Tent?

What did Ham do to Noah in the tent

TLDR Video Cliff Notes   Intro Over the course of history, many people have attempted to explain the curse of Canaan. The biblical text seems to be concealing something that is difficult for the modern reader to ascertain. However, I think the answer can be found through a proper exegesis and some understanding of the … Read more